Diseases The CDC thwarted 220 cases of pathogens with ‘unusual’ antibiotic resistance last year alone April 4, 2018
Diseases Marijuana legalization helps decrease opioid consumption, research shows April 3, 2018 - Updated on April 4, 2018
Diseases Researchers zero in on Lyme disease’s ability to resurface months after treatment April 3, 2018
Diseases Viruses can infect so many different hosts because they evolve in a way that we’ve never seen before March 29, 2018 - Updated on April 1, 2018
Art Hip hop music teaches children to recognize stroke and act quickly, study finds March 22, 2018 - Updated on February 10, 2023
Diseases Doctors restore patient’s sight with stem cells, offering new hope for cure to blindness March 20, 2018
Biology Human-secreted malaria antibody could usher in an effective, long-term treatment March 20, 2018
Diseases Lead exposure might be responsible for 10 times more premature deaths than previously thought March 14, 2018
Diseases Scientists invent phone app that accurately monitors blood pressure March 12, 2018 - Updated on May 31, 2020
Diseases Air pollution exposure during fetal life linked to brain abnormalities in children March 9, 2018
Diseases Researchers develop a pill that mimics the effects of exercising March 7, 2018 - Updated on March 8, 2018
Diseases Breastfeeding provides benefits for mother’s heart health later in life February 28, 2018 - Updated on May 31, 2020
Diseases Scientists successfully undo cocaine-induced cardiovascular damage in mice February 27, 2018
Diseases Google AI can now look at your retina and predict the risk of heart disease February 20, 2018 - Updated on February 21, 2018
Diseases Scientists discover how Giardia causes one of the world’s most common gastric diseases January 29, 2018
Diseases British surfers are more prone to be antibiotic resistant bacteria carriers January 16, 2018
Diseases Gene mutation doesn’t make women diagnosed with breast cancer more likely to die January 12, 2018
Diseases Medieval mummy shows people have been infected with hepatitis B at least for centuries January 5, 2018 - Updated on January 8, 2018
Diseases Family from Italy can’t feel physical pain because of genetic mutation December 15, 2017 - Updated on May 28, 2019
Diseases Russia on the brink of HIV crisis as AIDS denial runs rampant through the country December 1, 2017 - Updated on May 5, 2020