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These tiny soft robots can monitor complex environments ranging from deserts to the hot lunar surface

They can get the job done just by using heat and light.

Scientists want to make space bricks out of human urine on Mars

Everything we need to build stuff would already be available on Mars.

Portable briefcase-sized device could make saltwater drinkable

The unit was tested at the beach and it worked on its first run.

New batteries could charge electric vehicles to 60% in 6 minutes

A major tweak to ubiquitous lithium-ion batteries could bring charging time closer to those at the gas station.

The pharmanauts: how will astronauts produce drugs on deep space missions?

Scientists have come up with some pretty inventive ways to produce interstellar drugs -- because astronauts will likely need them.

New magneto-electric transistor cuts energy use while saving space. Here's why this could be huge

This could be the next major iteration in computing.

The Journey To Complete Meat Substitution: Are We There Yet?

Meat replacements are coming.

Researchers create hi-tech, quantum-dot LED light using discarded rice husks

About 100 million tons of rice husk are produced every year. Why not use it to create new things?

AI paints night vision images into full color

It's an early step towards night vision devices that produce more ‘day-like’ images.

Korean researchers develop new ultrasonic wireless charging technique that could power medical implants

Implants like pacemakers or drug delivery systems could be charged with a new wireless charging technology.

Google made an annoying AI that explains why jokes are supposed to be funny

The ultimate goal is to close the gap between machine and human reasoning.

AI turns speech into portraits -- and it's eerily accurate sometimes

It's the racist uncle of computers.

Why we've seen very little cyberwarfare in Ukraine

There is little evidence that Russia has coordinated cyber operations with conventional military operations in Ukraine.

Flying-V plane could be the future of sustainable flight

The revolutionary aircraft design could cut fuel consumption by 20%.

Scientists find the speed limit of computer chips: one million gigahertz

There's still a lot of room to improve data transmission speeds.

Cheap AI sensors could help us curve pesticide use

We may be headed towards another agricultural revolution.

Ukraine is using AI facial recognition to identify victims and vet people at checkpoints

High-tech facial recognition AI is now joining the battlefield in Ukraine.

U.S. Army tests its first high-energy laser weapon

The high-power laser weapon is meant to be deployed against drones, as well as rockets, artillery, and mortars.

These hard-bodied robots can reproduce, learn and evolve autonomously

Virtual code has become virtual DNA.

These nanobots powered by magnets can successfully remove water pollutants

They could guide the design of sustainable tech for the removal of pollutants

People find AI-generated faces to be more trustworthy than real faces -- and it could be a problem

Deepfakes are on the rise. It could just be the tip of the iceberg.

An AI was just used to control plasma inside a nuclear fusion reactor

The prospect of clean, limitless energy is still a ways off -- but it's starting to take shape.

Cultured meat is coming. But will people eat it?

Cultured meat has a lot of advantages. But if people won't eat it, it's all for naught.

These spinal cord implants allow paralyzed patients to stand, walk, and even swim and cycle

The personalized spinal cord stimulation restored motor movements in completely paralyzed patients within a few hours.

Half plane, half rocket, this Chinese supersonic jet could fly Beijing to New York in only an hour

There's a new player in the space flight game.

Chinese AI 'nanny' cares for mouse babies in artificial womb

The robot developed by researchers in China spies embryos as they develop into fetuses.

Researchers successfully regrow limbs on frogs. They want to do the same thing with humans

A drug cocktail has shown promise in regrowing lost limbs.

A brilliant 100-year-old Nikola Tesla invention is just beginning to make sense

The patent never received too much attention, but scientists think it could have modern uses.

Startup turns non-recyclable plastic into building blocks

It's challenging the notion of what non-recyclable plastic even means in the first place -- and we like it a lot!

China builds the world’s first artificial moon

Scientists will use the new moon to aid in future interstellar colonization.

Device harvests power from your sweaty fingers even while you sleep

Your fingers can now power small electronics and sensors.

The swarm is near: get ready for the flying microbots

Scientists have developed minute artificial muscles to power Lilliputian drones.

World's tiniest antenna is made from DNA

Although it's thousands of times thinner than a strand of human hair, the DNA antenna can both receive and transmit radio waves.

This robotic thermal bore can cut through undrillable rock without making direct contact

Tunnelling is anything but boring with this robot.

Better than Photoshop: AI synthesizes and edits complex images from a text description -- and they're mind-bogglingly good

I'd like a corgi wearing a red bowtie and a purple party hat, please.

AI completes Beethoven's unfinished 10th Symphony

Humans and machines joined hands to fill in the blanks in Beethoven's last symphony.

New microbots can travel to the brain via the nose and deliver treatments

The microbots are applied nasally to treat brain diseases.

Preliminary data suggests Moderna's mRNA flu vaccine is effective

A new generation of vaccines is coming. Will it live up to the hype?

Inexpensive, AI-driven MRI machines could revolutionize medical imaging

MRIs are often prohibitively expensive -- but that could change.

Assisted suicide 3D-printed pod deemed legal in Switzerland

It helps terminally ill patients to meet a peaceful death in under 5 minutes.

Nanofibers could capture cancer cells and prevent them from spreading

It could be a solution for an aggressive type of cancer.

New ammonia production method could cut 2% of greenhouse gas global output

Certain salts can be turned into precious ammonia without any fossil fuel input.

New breakthrough gets us closer to using DNA as data storage

The world has a data problem -- biology may be able to fix it.

AI is so good it can spot molecules on exoplanets. One day, it may discover new laws of phyics

AI can reliably spot molecules on exoplanets – and might one day even discover new laws of physics

SciFi futuristic weapons that already exist now

Traditional weapons may soon get replaced by a futuristic laser-based arsenal.

3D printing living materials with bioink made entirely from bacteria

We're witnessing a revolution in materials engineering and manufacturing.

Microphone-enabled smart devices are a huge privacy concern, but most of us aren't aware of it

The problem is more widespread than you'd think.

Why lithium-ion batteries have become dirt cheap: R&D

We have research and development to thank for affordable batteries.

In Iceland, CO2 is sucked out of the air and turned into rock

The project, while innovative, is unlikely to save us from climate change.

Are transparent phones close to becoming a thing?

We're still eagerly awaiting a practical transparent smartphone.