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New exoskeleton leaves the lab, steps into the real world -- and adapts on the fly

This is science at its finest.

Cancer vaccines by 2030? Covid vaccine pioneers are optimistic

After developing the first effective vaccine against COVID-19, these two researchers have their eyes set on something bigger: cancer.

An AI capable of 'thermal attacks' just proved that no password is safe

Scientists created an AI password thief to show that we need better safety measures than passwords and PIN.

AI eye checks can detect heart diseases in less than a minute

Your eyes may hold the key to detecting heart disease.

DeepMind trained gamified AI to find the fastest algorithm for crucial math in computer science. Not long after, the AI beat a 50-year-old record

Researchers converted the problem of finding efficient algorithms into a single-player game.

World's whitest paint is now thin enough to coat and cool down cars, trains and planes

The 'whitest white' can reflect up to 98% of incoming light, including ultraviolet frequencies.

New technique from Singapore makes lab-grown meat cheaper, greener, and more ethical

Lab-grown meat seems poised to truly take off.

New AI tool can generate videos from text inputs, and it's cool and scary

Things are about to get very weird very fast.

New house 3D printing concept blends concrete and wood for cheap, sustainable buildings

Would you print a house?

AI invents new proteins from scratch: the next frontier in biology

The powerful new AI could be used to find new cures and high-tech biomaterials.

You can use this patch to tattoo yourself without pain or shedding blood

But it won't put tattoo artists out of business just yet.

Most fans don't know it but Doctor Who's sonic screwdriver exists for real. Well, sort of

After all, “whole worlds pivot on acts of imagination.”

The Follower: This super creepy AI can find you based on Instagram photos and open surveillance

A dystopia is shaping up before our eyes.

Researchers created an accurate, 3D Manta ray model -- and it's mesmerizing

It's the first-ever accurate manta ray model and it could help in their conservation.

Watch out, Messi: artificial intelligence has finally learned to play football

An artificial intelligence worked through decades' worth of soccer matches in just a few weeks, learning how to play the game.

Scientists have created a material that can think under stress

The engineered material can sense physical touch and now scientists want it to also processs visual information.

This stunning AI-generated picture won a fine arts competition -- and human artists were not happy at all

Is art still art if a computer made it?

Scientists find unique material with its own memory, similar to human neurons

Vanadium oxide seems capable of “remembering” its history of previous external stimuli. No other material is like it.

New aluminum batteries could be the dirt cheap alternative to lithium-ion that we've all been waiting for

The time has come to try aluminum-sulfur batteries — a promising cheaper alternative to storing energy.

Move over, IKEA. The furniture of the future could arrive flat then self-assemble into a 3D shape

Researchers in Israel have made a special ink that can print flat wood panels that can turn into complicated shapes like a chair.

A robot surgeon called MIRA can perform surgeries in outer space

It could also allow doctors to perform surgeries remotely in rural and underprivileged areas.

'Fake meat' is friendlier for the environment than animal meat, but is it healthier?

Most of us can agree new meat alternatives taste great, but are they a healthier alternative to meat?

Drone deliveries consume 94% less energy per parcel than diesel trucks

The future sounds cloudy with a chance of drone swarms.

This self-healing coating repairs car scratches with just 30 minutes in the sun

The coating repairs itself when a special dye is activated by energy from the sun.

Engineers use 19th-century photography technique to create stretchy, color-changing films

There's more to it than just some flashy fashion item.

New biofilm can produce continuous electricity from your sweat

Wearable electronics could soon be powered by dead microbes, based on this new study

This free AI tool restores old and deteriorated photos in an instant

Time to dust off those old family photos in the attic.

This is the world's longest flexible fiber battery. You can weave and wash it in fabrics

The new battery fiber allows designs and applications that have not been possible before.

Disposable paper battery is activated by just a drop of water

Tiny, cheap batteries like this could someday turn anything into an electronic device.

Saudi Arabia plans to build a massive skyscraper that stretches for 75 miles and can host 5 million people

It's expected to cost up to a trillion dollars and house about five million people when fully completed.

You may not believe it, but this robotic hand can imagine its next move  

Robots are starting to think about themselves.

This AI saved hundreds of lives from sepsis in just five hospitals. Across the US, thousands more could be spared

A machine learning-based early detection system can flag life-threatening sepsis 20% faster than before.

Is it time to go electric? Some EVs pay for themselves in a couple of years

With rising fuel prices, electric cars are only getting more and more attractive.

Researchers from Japan want to make artificial gravity on Mars with "Glass" structures

The 'Glass' building can speed up the process of developing human settlements on other planets by producing Earth-like gravity.

Can this futuristic, driverless tram revitalize abandoned railways?

Would you travel in one of these?

NASA wants to build a swarm of tiny, wedge-shaped robots to look for life on faraway worlds

How to look for life on unfriendly bodies like Europa or Enceladus? Just make a bunch of swimmy robots and have them look for it.

UK’s public health service will use drones to deliver chemotherapy drugs

It's just a trial so far, but it could be expanded if deemed successful.

Are we breeding a generation of racist AI?

It's very easy for AI to reflect the biases and discrimination we already have in society.

Zero-emissions electric boat-plane could transform sea travel

It's a plane. No, it's a boat. No, it's kind of ... both?

This DALL-E mini AI can create original digital paintings of anything -- so why is it obsessed with women in saris?

Try DALL E mini and you'll be obsessed too.

A blue pigment loved by artists could suck up precious metals from your discarded cell phone

Prussian blue changed art in the 18th century. Three hundred years later, the pigment could help solve our electronic and nuclear waste problem.

Virginia is about to 3D-print an entire neighborhood of homes -- and it's cheaper than you think

This unique construction project may fulfill the affordable housing dream of many people living in underserved rural areas.

Researchers develop 'living skin' and graft it onto a robotic finger

Researchers have successfully grown self-healing ‘human-like’ skin on a robotic finger.

No driver required. Autonomous taxis are finally arriving in San Francisco

The cars will only operate in less congested areas and when the weather's good, but it's an important start.

AI on a photonic chip conducts image recognition at the speed of light

By eliminating sensors, memories, processors, and other hardware, this chip can classify images almost instantaneously.

An AI-based voice program did the dialog delivery for Val Kilmer in Top Gun: Maverick

AI is emerging as a useful technology for voice dubbing in films, and looks like even Tom Cruise loves it.

So what happens when a robot files for a patent?

Existing laws only allow for humans as creators -- but some are fighting to change this.

Rock-like thermal camouflage makes soldiers nearly invisible on the battlefield

It's like a real-life invisibility cloak.

What the world's first nuclear waste 'tomb' in Finland could mean for nuclear energy

In tunnels deep underground, Finland will bury nuclear waste safely in copper sarcophagi for at least 100,000 years.

Americans grossly underestimate the range of modern electric vehicles -- and this keeps them from buying one

An EV with a range of 300 kilometers (186 miles) will cover more than 90% of the average person's needs. But most think they need much more than that.