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Are we prepared enough to survive a deadly fungal outbreak similar to what is shown in the TV show The Last of Us?
Go is arguably the most complex game devised by mankind.
Japanese researchers have created the device in an attempt to get people to eat less salt.
It's like taking a medical sample every day.
A new tool could diagnose Parkinson's patients in their sleep.
Cargo shipping is going back to basics.
ChatGPT has managed to score well enough to become a licensed doctor. So is it now ready to replace doctors?
AI is having its "Hello world!" moment.
Here is a lizard-inspired robot that is as creepy and fascinating as real lizards, and wishes to explore Mars.
It's a world first that could signal the future of air warfare.
AI increases the chance of detecting lung nodules, which also sometimes hint at lung cancer.
The slow death of passwords seems imminent in the face of more convenient biometric authentification.
These aren't your average pots and bowls.
The world needs a good terminator, and seems like now we have one.
AI is yet again redrawing the boundaries of what we call 'art'.
The amphibious drone was inspired by the kingfisher and the suckerfish.
In the US alone, there are over 100,000 breast reconstructive surgeries every year, and there's plenty of room for improvement.
Quantum computers powerful enough to break public-key encryption are still years away, but when it happens, they could be a major threat.
This watch is incredible, alive, and can make you emotional because it is powered by a pet-like slime mold.
This AI knows how to sound like you or anyone else.
Old turbine blades cannot be recycled for energy production but they can be reused for fun and aesthetics.
In the not-too-distant future, AI pipebots could be patrolling inside our water pipes. They will ensure no drop of clean water leaks out.
A solar-powered EV "Sunswift 7" just made a new Guinness World Record by covering 1000 km on a single charge.
Who says you can't have beauty and health benefits?
3D-printed meat is close to becoming cost-competitive.
A new generation of Lidars is coming.
This could be very good for the environment.
The approach could save $1.4 billion in Australia alone.
Well, at some airports at least.
This ingestible battery will supply power to drug delivery robots inside your body in the future.
The AI revolution that's been a long time coming is upon us.
Food companies are planning to launch ice cream using dairy that is grown in a lab.
We're past just sending people to the moon. It's time to start building things there.
The new system can be 3D printed and worn as a ring or bracelet.
It's got some serious skills, but are we prepared to deal with the implications?
This marks a major shift in policing tactics.
It is now possible to expand the research of new materials by orders of magnitude.
After competing with painters and illustrators, AI has started replacing singers in China.
We could definitely use something like this with all the droughts around.
The device constantly stretches and contracts immobilized muscles to prevent muscle loss.
This would have really been handy in 2008 -- and it could be very handy next year.
Computers will soon be able to understand what we say.
Widely available tools could help monitor a crucial health indicator.
The patterns formed on a withering passion fruit hold valuable insights for designing robots.
A rather simply design tweak could have a massive impact on EV adoption.
We're basically carrying a bunch of sensors around us at all times.
Could airborne drones help the situation on the ground?
You could download twice as much data as everyone on the internet with this connection.
The day is coming when quantum computers, once the stuff of science fiction, will help scientists solve complex, real-world problems that are proving intractable to classical computing.
The AI led party wants to grab the attention of the voters in the country who don't have any representation.