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Sky Magnetar hypersonic concept could fly London to New York in 50 minutes

The concept is part airplane part rocket ship.

China is quietly building the world's first drone carrier

Naval warfare is on the brink of a paradigm shift.

Scientists make transparent, fireproof glass-like material out of bamboo

Researchers develop a novel transparent bamboo with flame-retardant properties.

Can Bitcoin's latest halving usher in a greener future for mining?

After the halving, there are good reasons to believe Bitcoin's notoriously unsustainable mining could be turned around.

AI chatbots turn conspiracy theorists into skeptics through dialogue

Addressing conspiracy beliefs with tailor-made counterevidence delivered via AI chatbot works remarkably well.

Scientists propose warp drive model that doesn't break laws of physics

Warp drives could be possible through new space-time manipulation techniques.

Hair-thin silk fabric cancels out noise and creates quiet spaces anywhere

MIT researchers have created a silk fabric that can significantly reduce noise using piezoelectric fibers to counteract or block unwanted sounds.

NASA wants to build futuristic levitating rail on the moon (and much more)

This is just one of the "sci-fi" projects NASA is working on now.

Sodium-ion hybrid batteries could recharge EVs in seconds

By combining traditional battery and supercapacitor tech, researchers have developed a super 'Frankenstein' battery that combines the best of both worlds.

Drone with solar cells flies on sunshine

Meet Solar Hopper, an autonomous drone that uses 24 perovskite solar cells to recharge. It also looks mighty cool!

Blood sampling device inspired by leeches could make needles obsolete

Innovative blood sampling device mimics leech mechanics for painless, efficient diagnostics.

Human pilots face an AI-controlled jet for the first time in a real-world dogfight

The outcome of the dogfight is classified. But everybody now knows that AI is capable of flying fighter jets.

Urine-powered nanorobots zap bladder tumors and shrink them by 90%

We need all the help we can get in the fight against bladder cancer.

Researchers hijacked bacteria to produce sustainable, meat-like protein

These cyanobacteria can produce protein fibres, taking us a step closer to ideal texture from sustainable lab-grown meat.

Zoom and enhance: Adobe AI sharpens videos by up to 8 times the original resolution with minimal artifacts

You can now turn old low-res videos into 4K.

Japan launches the world's first truly recyclable nappies

Nappies have long been an environmental nightmare. But there may be a better way.

Scientists forge an 'impossible material': a metal alloy with unmatched strength and toughness at all temperatures

The new alloy shows promise for future high-efficiency aerospace engines.

AI is starting to make coffee — and it's really good at it

It's only natural that something like this would happen in Finland.

Chinese scientists claim they've figured out how to power stealth submarines with lasers

Chinese researchers make a breakthrough in silent, super-fast submarine propulsion.

The crazy mathematical concept that underlies all your online security: zero knowledge proofs

What if I told you you can prove a statement without revealing anything about that statement itself?

Duck with missing bill will receive a 3D prosthetic made by Texas students

The sweet duck will be able to feed and take care of herself better once the procedure is complete.

Scientists just got one step closer to secure quantum communications

New developments herald a future of ultra-secure quantum communication.

Eye implants may soon be used to treat diabetes

Researchers want to use the eye as a base to treat diabetes.

Researchers find the "recipe" for growing new limbs

Regrowing limbs starts with protein — and now, researchers know which protein are necessary.

This poison shooting robot could be the future of agriculture

It identifies weeds and then precisely hits them with poison.

Researchers grow futuristic bacteria-based leather that dyes itself

It's plastic-free and vegan — and more sustainable than current alternatives.

How multispectral cameras can give us sweeter oranges for less money

There's a lot more technology coming to your OJ.

Quadriplegic patient who received Neuralink implant pulled an all-nighter playing Civilization 6 using 'brain power' alone

"It was basically like using the force on the cursor!" said the first Neuralink recipient.

Scientists brew the future with AI that 'tastes' Belgian beer to make it better

Belgian scientists use AI to predict and improve beer flavors.

Rechargeable concrete batteries could make buildings double as energy storage

Scientists embed conductive fibers into cement-based mixtures to transform buildings into large-scale batteries.

Google's new flood AI can predict risk even where no data flows

AI can help us take a more proactive stance in disaster preparedness.

AI ghostbots are digitally reviving the dead. But is this a good thing?

Deepfakes don't just mimick the living. They can be used to resurrect the dead.

Google's AI is now suggesting new football tactics

Football (or soccer) is about to get a lot more tactical.

Scientists turn food waste into plastic-free diapers and sanitary pads

Scientists turned agricultural waste into eco-friendly, sustaianble sanitary products.

World's smallest QR code inspired by insect 'invisibility cloak' adds new layer of digital encryption

Soccer-ball-like particles found in some unique insects have inspired cutting-edge nanotechnology.

Scientists stick materials together without using glue — just electricity

It's an electric twist to material bonding. Plus, it's completely reversible at the push of a button.

CT scans reveal the amazingly complex physics behind a ketchup bottle cap

Have you ever thought how much engineering goes into the small things we use every day?

Scientists make 'water batteries' that never catch fire

RMIT University researchers have created a magnesium-ion water battery that's safer and more sustainable than lithium-ion batteries.

Eco-friendly breakthrough extracts gold out of e-waste -- and it's all thanks to cheese

A novel method recovers gold from smartphones, computers and other electronic waste using whey protein.

Lightweight yet mighty: 3D-printed titanium metamaterial could change engineering

Is engineering ready for the future?

Meet the smallest and fastest robot-insects ever developed

The mini-bug and water strider open up new realms in the field of small robots.

AI companies plan to use nuclear energy for their energy-hungry data centers. But should they?

AI data centers may require 2.5 times more electricity than conventional data centers. Where will all this extra electricity come from?

3D Petabit optical disk can store 10,000 Blu-ray disks worth of data

By surpassing the optical diffraction limit, researchers have engineered a DVD-sized disk capable of storing data equivalent to 10,000 Blu-ray discs.

Researchers use 3D ice printing to create artificial blood vessels for organ transplants

This could pave the way for saving thousands of patients every year.

Futuristic bone bandage sends electric currents to help you heal

Researchers are finding better ways to treat bone damage.

We should tame superintelligent AI before it's too late, expert says

While AI systems are hugely helpful, with our current level of control, a superintelligent AI poses a looming risk.

NASA engineered a cup to drink coffee in zero gravity

Space is space... but coffee is coffee.

Hackers can still spy on you even if you cover the webcam. Here's how

Ambient light sensors in smartphones could pose unexpected privacy risks.

You'd never have to charge your phone again with these tiny nuclear batteries that last 50 years. But are we ready for them?

Beijing's Betavolt claims a 50-year maintenance-free, nuclear battery.

NASA invented wheels that never get punctured — and you can now buy them

Would you use this type of tire?