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Exploring click chemistry: its principles, techniques, and groundbreaking applications.
Ever wonder why something so tiny can hurt so bad?
Delve into the world of addictive foods and uncover the truth behind our cravings.
Naturally looking younger than your age isn't just a matter of vanity. It can be a tell-tale sign of one's underlying health.
The drought in Uruguay is a good example of what we can expect with climate heating.
These are the lessons of Nobel Laureate Harold Varmus.
Exactly one year ago, the JWST mission published its first official images. Here's what else it discovered.
...and what a year it's been!
How scientists harness evolution to create custom molecules.
Captivating microscopic images showcase the intricate structures of drugs, from the crystalline patterns of MDMA to the colorful spectacle of LSD.
Invisibility cloaks have already transcended fiction. The future is now.
Dive into the depths of the ocean and discover the astonishing intelligence of dolphins.
Exploring the phenomena of convergent tectonic boundaries in Earth's geology
Exploring the captivating life of the elusive yellow-spotted salamander
The world of bark camouflage unveils nature's mastery of deception.
This rodent of unusual size is cute.
Axelotls are way more common in aquarium tanks than in the wild.
"Music is a legal drug for athletes," say scientists. It's that good for running!
Meet the dhole, an unsung predator in India's wilderness.
A molten salt reactor (MSR) is a type of nuclear reactor that uses liquid fuel instead of the solid fuel rods used in conventional nuclear reactors.
The fennec fox is one of the most extraordinary mammals in the world.
Discover the fascinating life and environmental impact of the Indian bullfrog.
Discover the energetic process reshaping our planet through divergent boundaries
We only figured out how our planet's geology works a few decades ago -- and we may still have not figured it entirely.
Delving into the distinct world of Chromebooks and laptops for the layperson.
Stop worrying about overpopulation. There's something more important that should get your attention.
Ice cream went through a wild journey that started more than 2,500 years ago.
The virus has been flying under everyone's radar, but the CDC reported a sharp uptick recently.
Dogs may love the taste of chocolate, but don't be fooled -- it can be highly poisonous for them.
Of mice and scared elephants. Why is this myth so prevalent?
The Habsburg jaw is the unflattering legacy of powerful rulers that liked to marry in the family.
Rare historical photos of a mind-bending telephone line hub.
Experience the stunning world of nature's oversized marvels -- it's not your average list of giant animals.
When asteroids hit the Earth, they leave behind spectacular geological landmarks.
Discover the science behind the happy chemicals in your brain.
Exploring the depths and implications of Bloom's Taxonomy in learning.
Usually, whenever you hear about dumping things in the ocean, it's cringe. But this is different.
The intricate world of adult learning theories and their real-world applications.
Discover how the enigmatic oxytocin, known as the love hormone, shapes human bonds.
Discover the extraordinary world of endorphins and how they bring joy and vitality to your daily life.
Almond milk is a healthy dairy substitute with nutrients and suitability for various dietary needs.
Soy has a bad rep, but despite what you may have heard, soy milk is good for you. Here's what you need to now.
A lot of people seem to believe tofu is bad for you. Is this really the case?
The protein-packed benefits of tofu make it an excellent choice.
Discover the truth about tofu and its impact on your health.
Learn more about the different types of tiger subspecies. All of them are sadly endangered.
They might not be for everyone, but chromebooks are fast, cheap, and sleek.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates mood and behavior and is associated with happiness and contentment.
Black widows have a really bad rep, but is it all deserved?
Explore the power of dopamine, the "happy" chemical in the brain, and discover how it impacts our mood, motivation, and behavior.