A job can be as hard or easy as you make it to be, depending on how much you enjoy or are passionate about your work. However, it’s pretty hard to imagine how some people working particularly bizarre jobs through out history thought or felt. Listed below are a couple of odd jobs that caught our eyes ranging from ancient Rome to the Tudor period.
Whipping Boys
A solution came up of course, as such whipping boys were appointed – basically another boy studying next to the king’s son would be punished instead of the latter in the eventuality that he would misbehave or simply didn’t do his homework. A whipping boy would be appointed from the nobility, fostered and educated side by side with the king’s son. The implication of this would be that an emotional bond would get built between the two, and as such the royal infant would theoretically then try to behave and study well for the sake of his suffering comrade. In return, it was very common for a whipping boy once an adult to be granted estates or noble titles in return for his services. “No hard feelings, eh?”
When war wasn’t around, they would get contracted for deep sea dives, like salvaging or construction work. The salvaging part was particularly enticing for them since in that tumultuous period it was very common for galleons to wreck with treasure. It was not unheard of for some urinatores to become very affluent members of the Roman society.
Dog whipper

Another one from England of the 1600s. It was pretty common for people to have their dogs following them to processions at church, and you simply can’t have dogs running around though church or make a racket during a ceremony – this is where the dog whipper would come in. Yeah, his only job was to chase dogs around and make sure no canine was in the vicinity of a church.
Benefits included a salary (records of pay exist in many old English churches accounting books), a whip of course, and some who were very good at their job probably would be lucky enough to be granted a slice of land as well, called the dog acre.
Body snatcher
Groom of the Stool
You’d be surprised how a job that’s considered intolerable or degrading today was totally seen as a sign of upper class standing in the past. In the time of Henry VIII’s rule, the Groom of the Stool was tasked with the royal duty of bum-wiping the king’s behind after defecation. The title was awarded to one of the King’s minion’s and, despite its apparent degradable nature, the position ensured a much prized high social stature. Usually Grooms of the Stool were appointed from the ranks of nobleman, usually important members of the court. British kings awarded this job to minions because this way they didn’t have to make the humiliating gesture of bending. For a king to bend in front of a servant was inconceivable.
Gong Farmer
Orgy Planner
Ever wondered how people in past managed to wake up at an hour of their convenience in world without alarm clocks? This is were knocker-ups came at the beginning of the industrial age in England in Ireland, who would be seen walking around in the street with a long pole which they used to knock on people’s windows to wake them up. Who knocked the knocker-up, though?
Curse Tablet Scribe
In ancient Greece and Rome, a common practice for the superstitious and hateful was to order a curse tablet for their enemies. The scribe, like a modern day hair dresser, had to listen day in and day out to the people’s complaints and hate for others which he then inscribed on led plates. It was said that the curse tablets would’ve had influential power against the gods. These sheets would then be rolled up, folded, or pierced with nails, after which they would then be moved under ground, placed in graves, or thrown into wells, pools or lakes. Sometimes they were put on temple walls. Like an analogy the treatment done to the material should also be done to the target of the spell.
Funeral Clown
Well, a clown at a funeral is pretty weird by any standard, but in ancient Rome, however, these kind of entertainers were contracted to dress, mask, and mimic like the dead person. This way, the Romans believed that this would placate the spirits of the dead and bring joy to the living. Actually, it was pretty common during the funeral process to see the clown run all around the coffin together with other clowns in order to make the grieved relatives laugh. Yes, the Romans were really wacky, if you haven’t figured that our yet. As a funeral clown you’d have a lot of benefits, besides mocking the dead. The pay was very good, and famous funeral clowns would get the chance to dance on the grave of the emperor’s himself.