Culture & Society The Mesopotamian Venice: The Lost Floating Homes of Iraq April 7, 2017 - Updated on July 5, 2023
Science Humanity is getting another “Doomsday Vault” in the Arctic — a digital archive for human knowledge April 4, 2017
Climate Scientists identify new mechanism through which climate change causes droughts and flood March 29, 2017
News Entertainment television might be partly to blame for the rise of populist politicians March 27, 2017
News We may face a huge shortage of essential raw materials stiffling green energy if governments don’t step up their game March 21, 2017 - Updated on March 22, 2017
Diseases 1962 vaccine breakthrough prevented 4.5 billion cases of polio, measles, rabies, hepatitis A, and many others March 6, 2017
Climate “Shell knew.” The big oil company was aware of the effects of climate change since at least 1991 March 1, 2017
Economics Does your country have bad drivers? Then your government is likely corrupt February 27, 2017
Animals Half of the world’s species could become extinct by 2100, biologists say at Vatican conference February 27, 2017 - Updated on July 25, 2019
Animals Climate change has already harmed more than half of all mammals February 16, 2017 - Updated on May 24, 2023
News Nowhere is safe from mankind — high levels of pollution found even in the deepest oceans February 14, 2017
Climate We can achieve the 2C objective, but we have to go 100% renewable energy by 2060 February 9, 2017
Health Female genital mutilation falls sharply in Iraq’s Kurdish region, gives hope for eradication February 8, 2017
Climate California scientists urge Trump not to exit Paris Agreement through open letter February 1, 2017
Animals More than 100 natural world heritage sites degraded by human activity, study finds January 31, 2017
News Time’s ticking out for us on the Doomsday Clock — we’ve got 150 seconds to midnight January 26, 2017
News Trump orders media blackout at the EPA, tells employees to ‘cut climate change webpage’ January 25, 2017
News If water rates get hiked at current rate, U.S. households unable to afford water could triple in five years January 13, 2017
Materials Better containers could significantly curb food waste, enable better food aid January 10, 2017
Animals Bushmeat trade threatens 7% of all land animals with extinction. ‘Endangered species are NOT a delicacy’ December 12, 2016
Climate In times of turmoil, academics stand up, develop code of conduct and reaffirm fight against racism, misogyny and climate change denial November 30, 2016
Climate Just 1C global warming impacts every aspect of life on Earth, new study finds November 23, 2016
News “Escape our fragile planet” in the next 1,000 years or perish, Stephen Hawking says November 17, 2016
Science Science can’t afford to be slowed down by unrealistic standards while politics runs around the house naked November 17, 2016 - Updated on May 19, 2017
Environment From Paris to Marrakech: The world is taking steps to curb climate change, but it’s not nearly enough November 3, 2016
News The labour gender gap might start at home: girls spend 40% more time on chores more than boys, worldwide October 10, 2016