Climate Climate change reversal hacks shunned in report. “Wake up and cut emission!” February 11, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Environment “Global Calculator” shows we can all live better while reducing CO2 emissions January 28, 2015 - Updated on February 15, 2019
News Why the Japanese government is desperately trying to convince citizens to have sex January 27, 2015
Environmental Issues California lost half its large trees since 1930, steep decline continues January 23, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate New subglacial lakes discovered in Greenland accelerating melting January 23, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate It’s official: 2014 hottest year on record – all without the help of El Niño January 16, 2015
Climate Republican voters shift their stance against Climate Change, yet those in Congress lag behind January 15, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Environmental Issues 2014 was the 18th year straight warmer than the average in US, probably warmest yet worldwide January 9, 2015
Animals Shrimps become less tastier as a result of climate change December 22, 2014 - Updated on December 27, 2014
Environment Sad, but Expected: The Climate Talks in Lima have Failed December 15, 2014 - Updated on May 28, 2015
News Full extent of plastic in world’s oceans quantified: over 5 trillions of pieces of plastic December 11, 2014
Environmental Issues Australia might set the stage for failed climate change talks in Paris next year December 8, 2014 - Updated on November 23, 2016
Environmental Issues Ecuador indigenous leader killed just days before environmental Peru Protest December 8, 2014
Environmental Issues Massive oil spill floods nature reserve in Israel – possibly the country’s worst environment disaster December 5, 2014
News Two bloody wars and 13 years later, the War on Terror has helped increase Terrorist Attacks Seven Fold November 19, 2014 - Updated on November 20, 2014
Environmental Issues Twice as many lightnings expected by 2100 as a result of global warming November 17, 2014
Environmental Issues Forget Beijing – Delhi has the world’s filthiest air, by far November 12, 2014 - Updated on October 10, 2017
Environment Robot Underwater Gliders show How Antarctic Ice is Melting November 11, 2014 - Updated on April 29, 2023
Environmental Issues Since 2003 Coal consumption has increased 9x faster than Wind energy and 40x than Solar November 4, 2014 - Updated on April 29, 2023
Environmental Issues Just 1 in 10 Alpine Rivers still flow Today October 21, 2014 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Animals Only Six Northern White Rhinos left in the World October 21, 2014 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Environmental Issues Eric Schmidt: ALEC is lying about climate change and funding them was a mistake September 22, 2014 - Updated on November 23, 2016
News Greenland’s ice is no longer white – and that’s bad news for climate change September 17, 2014 - Updated on April 18, 2019
Environment Texas proposes rewriting school text books to deny manmade climate change September 17, 2014
Environmental Issues Failing carbon policies: we’re seeing the largest carbon emissions increase in 30 years September 9, 2014
News Ground ozone pollution in India destroys enough crops to feed 94 million September 5, 2014 - Updated on September 6, 2014
Climate Today, we have finished all the natural resources for the entire year. The rest is environmental debt August 19, 2014
Environmental Issues Study confirms global warming is moistening the atmosphere August 13, 2014 - Updated on September 7, 2018
Climate West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse is irreversible; to cause 10 feet sea level rise May 13, 2014
Environmental Issues Asian pollution drives storms in the Pacific April 15, 2014 - Updated on September 7, 2018