Environmental Issues New method traps CO2, rends clean hydrogen and might de-acidify world’s oceans May 29, 2013
Environmental Issues Peruvian engineers create water out of thin air through billboards March 27, 2013 - Updated on March 28, 2013
Environmental Issues Skyscrapers made out of wood: a feeble idea or a mark of the future? March 19, 2013
Environmental Issues ‘Green’ batteries made from a red dye plant as an alternative to toxic batteries December 12, 2012
Green Living Aluminum might be the future’s eco-fuel of choice July 27, 2012 - Updated on August 3, 2012
Environmental Issues Scientist warn loss of biodiversity is reducing Earth’s ability to care for us June 7, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Environment Hawaii becomes first US state to ban plastic bags – sets a remarkable example June 4, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Discoveries Chemical reactions turns CO2 into semiconductor material, and releases energy [!] May 21, 2012
Environmental Issues Humans need an extra planet at current rate of resource depletion, study finds May 15, 2012
Environment China’s eco-city of the future hints towards its green turnaround March 19, 2012 - Updated on March 20, 2012
Environment Glacier in Chile retreats half a mile in a year December 8, 2011 - Updated on November 23, 2016
Environment Moss graffiti: a eco-way of painting street art November 25, 2011 - Updated on February 16, 2016
Environmental Issues Brazil’s government approves of rainforest destruction. Next day, two environmental activists get shot May 30, 2011
Environment Incredible home built out of containers out in the Mojave Desert April 19, 2011 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Environmental Issues South Africa electric plan for 2020: nuclear, wind and solar for 70% total power March 31, 2011
Green Living Australian government: ‘It will take 1.000 years to stop climate change, so why bother ?’ March 29, 2011 - Updated on June 2, 2011
Environment Record High Greenhouse Emission Rates for 2010 November 22, 2010 - Updated on October 27, 2017