Environmental Issues 200 million years ago, half of all life on Earth went extint from a methane eruption July 22, 2011
Environment Vietnam War bio-weapon used today for Amazon deforestation July 6, 2011 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Environmental Issues The cost of a green forest economy: $40 billion June 6, 2011 - Updated on November 22, 2012
Environmental Issues Brazil’s government approves of rainforest destruction. Next day, two environmental activists get shot May 30, 2011
Environment Settlement between US government and environmentalists to speed endangered species reviewal May 11, 2011
Environment Incredible home built out of containers out in the Mojave Desert April 19, 2011 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Environmental Issues Armenia’s Metsamor nuclear power station – most dangerous in the world? April 13, 2011 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Environmental Issues Dramatic never before seen depletion of ozone layer in the Arctic region April 6, 2011
Environmental Issues South Africa electric plan for 2020: nuclear, wind and solar for 70% total power March 31, 2011
Environmental Issues Nuclear energy – 4.000 times safer than coal plants March 21, 2011 - Updated on August 21, 2024
Environment Record High Greenhouse Emission Rates for 2010 November 22, 2010 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Climate 3D supercomputer simulation predicts disastrous outcome for L.A. on the next “Big One” September 16, 2010 - Updated on October 25, 2022
Environmental Issues Ecuador will receive 3.6 billion $ not to drill for oil in a historic pact August 6, 2010 - Updated on June 12, 2014
Environmental Issues Bill Gates is paying for artificial clouds to fight greenhouse gases May 11, 2010
Environmental Issues Vancouver 2010: probably the greenest Olympics ever February 13, 2010 - Updated on April 28, 2023
Biology Japanese project aims to turn CO2 into natural gas January 7, 2010 - Updated on October 28, 2013
Environmental Issues Significant breakthrough in biofuels January 7, 2010 - Updated on October 28, 2013
Climate Fighting against soot – more important than ever October 10, 2009 - Updated on October 28, 2013
Environmental Issues Tiny frozen microbe could shine light on extraterrestrial life June 15, 2009 - Updated on October 21, 2013
Biology World’s first genome transplant – a step forward towards creating synthetic life forms May 13, 2009 - Updated on October 21, 2013