Climate Climate researchers from the global south struggle to make their voices heard October 20, 2021
Climate Solar panels on half the world’s roofs could meet its entire electricity demand October 13, 2021
Climate A climate Nobel: Trio who studied complex climate systems wins Nobel Physics prize October 5, 2021
Climate Climate change is making the Earth dimmer, which, in turn, warms up the climate October 2, 2021
Climate Plastic and climate crisis are linked — we shouldn’t address one and ignore the other September 29, 2021
Climate A new tropical storm, Peter, has formed in the Atlantic. Another, Rose, is likely to follow soon September 20, 2021
Climate Chalk one for the Paris Agreement: coal plants are getting canceled left and right September 14, 2021
Climate A radical new freezing method could cut emissions equal to one million cars, while keeping your food fresh September 10, 2021
Climate Keep the oil in the soil: at least 60% of fossil fuel reserves have to remain untapped to meet climate targets September 9, 2021
Climate In unprecedented bid, health science journals unite and call for ambitious climate action September 6, 2021
Climate Berlin universities cut meat from menus to reduce greenhouse gas emissions August 31, 2021 - Updated on September 2, 2021
Climate Blue hydrogen is worse for climate than fossil fuels, study finds August 14, 2021 - Updated on September 3, 2021
Climate We can still avoid breaking the 1.5ºC climate change barrier, says IPCC scientist — but we need to act *now* August 10, 2021
Climate Biochar can help us keep climate change at bay and more food on the table, according to a new meta-study August 5, 2021
Climate Greenland heatwave triggers melting — enough to cover Florida with 2 inches of water August 3, 2021
Climate 15,000-year-old viruses found in Tibetan glacier ice — and we know nothing about them July 21, 2021
Climate “No more delays” — Developing countries urge for real climate action before crucial summit July 17, 2021
Climate Devastating floods in western Europe exceed even worst climate change predictions July 16, 2021