Climate Unsatisfied by their government’s apathy, Canadian scientists propose their own climate policy March 18, 2015
Climate ‘Monster’ Cyclone Damages 90% of buildings in Vanuatu’s Capital, Leaders Address Climate Change March 16, 2015
Climate Florida officials banned from using words like “climate change” or “global warming” in public March 9, 2015
Animals Too much of a good thing: Emperor penguins were almost killed of by the Ice Age March 2, 2015
Climate Short-lived chemicals that burn a hole in the ozone layer are on the rise February 18, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate Climate change reversal hacks shunned in report. “Wake up and cut emission!” February 11, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate “only god can change the climate” – US chief of Environment & Public Works Committee January 29, 2015
Climate New subglacial lakes discovered in Greenland accelerating melting January 23, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate Pope Francis to release Climate Change Encyclical urging action against climate change January 20, 2015
Climate It’s official: 2014 hottest year on record – all without the help of El Niño January 16, 2015
Climate Republican voters shift their stance against Climate Change, yet those in Congress lag behind January 15, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate US lawmakers in charge of NASA and environmental funding don’t understand science January 14, 2015
Climate CO2 never looked this beautiful: NASA show how greenhouse gases swirl the globe [VIDEO] November 20, 2014
Climate Bill Nye the ‘Science Guy’: ‘It’s not a coincidence that the creationists also deny climate change’ November 12, 2014
Climate Air pollution much more dangerous than climate change for global agriculture November 6, 2014
Climate Melting Arctic has Doubled the Risk of Extreme Winters in Europe and Asia October 28, 2014 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate Australia’s 2013 Heat Waves linked to Man-made Climate Change, 5 Studies Conclude September 30, 2014
Climate Study concludes there is a 99.999% chance of global warming being caused by humans September 4, 2014 - Updated on September 7, 2018
Climate Today, we have finished all the natural resources for the entire year. The rest is environmental debt August 19, 2014
Climate Keystone XL pipeline could produce 4 times more emissions than previously thought August 11, 2014
Climate Mysterious Siberian craters attributed to methane. Permafrost methane release might have begun August 7, 2014
Climate Irony at its finest: Oil refinery threatened by rising sea levels, asks government to fix problems July 31, 2014
Climate The Science Communicator Who Might End the War Between Climate Change Science and Religion July 3, 2014
Climate Americans are convinced of global warming by changing temperatures, not by climate scientists June 26, 2014
Climate Scientist offers $10.000 to anyone who can scientifically disprove man-made climate change June 25, 2014