Agriculture Six initiatives for sustainable agriculture announced at COP21 December 2, 2015 - Updated on June 29, 2016
Climate Some of the pledges at COP21 need to be legally binding, says President Obama December 1, 2015
Climate King coal is dying: demand peaked in 2014 and dropping fast worldwide December 1, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate Americans support signing of climate change pact, but don’t want taxes on emissions December 1, 2015
Climate European countries announce new $500 million initiative to fight climate change in developing countries December 1, 2015
Climate Some of the richest in the world join Bill Gates to invest in the biggest private climate fund December 1, 2015
Climate Head of (anti)-science in America harasses NOAA over paper that refutes global warming hiatus November 28, 2015 - Updated on January 27, 2016
Climate 20 Years of International Climate Change Politics: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly November 25, 2015
Animals FDA approves first genetically modified animal: a salmon that grows twice as fast November 20, 2015 - Updated on January 18, 2021
Biology It pays to be a small fish in a big pond after a mass extintion November 16, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate People would embrace gas tax, if it would be used narrowly – like fixing roads November 12, 2015
Climate Emissions per capita drop by 8% by 2025, if the 155 countries respect their UN pledges November 4, 2015
Climate IndieGoGo is helping climate change deniers to raise money to derail Paris climate talks November 2, 2015 - Updated on November 6, 2015
Climate Could Exxon and other oil companies be liable for a RICO case just like big tobacco? October 20, 2015 - Updated on October 21, 2015
Animals CO2 in the atmosphere heralds imminent food chain collapse — and it’s gonna start in the oceans October 13, 2015 - Updated on October 16, 2019
Climate How rising sea levels will affect US: Miami and New Orleans underwater by 2100 October 13, 2015 - Updated on February 13, 2024
Climate India wants to reduce carbon emission intensity 35% by 2030, ahead of Paris talks October 2, 2015 - Updated on January 19, 2021
Climate Sweden wants to become the world’s first fossil-free country October 1, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate $100 billion to fight climate change – where is it ? September 30, 2015 - Updated on November 6, 2015
Climate Almost $2.6 trillion divested from fossil fuel since the movement began September 23, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate Today’s GOP candidates don’t deny climate change anymore, but think it’s useless to act instead September 18, 2015
Climate National Geographic just got bought by Rupert Murdoch, the mogul who thinks climate change isn’t real September 10, 2015 - Updated on September 11, 2015