Climate Leonardo DiCaprio may be a hypocrite, but climate change is still real. Don’t get distracted March 2, 2016 - Updated on February 1, 2019
Climate Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar acceptance speech: ‘climate change is real, it is happening right now’ February 29, 2016 - Updated on March 2, 2016
Climate Continents soak up water, slowing down sea level rise. This won’t go on forever, though February 16, 2016
Climate U.S. teachers often misinform school children about climate change February 12, 2016 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate Climatic shift in antique times heralded dramatic changes February 8, 2016 - Updated on February 9, 2016
Climate This fern changed the world 50 million years ago, and it could help us again February 5, 2016 - Updated on November 28, 2023
Climate The moon’s phases affect rainfall, says first-of-its-kind study February 1, 2016 - Updated on July 24, 2019
Climate World’s primary energy source will be renewable energy by 2030 January 28, 2016 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate If there’s anything that marks humanity’s brief time on Earth, it’s plastic January 26, 2016 - Updated on March 29, 2016
Climate Scientists try to replicate findings that dispute climate change: they fail January 26, 2016 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate Study finds why New Year’s resolutions to lose weight fail January 6, 2016 - Updated on January 12, 2016
Climate November 2015 was by far the hottest on record December 17, 2015 - Updated on December 18, 2015
Climate Developing countries need at least $3.5 trillion to oblige their COP21 pledges by 2030 December 14, 2015
Climate By the urban poor, from the urban poor: fighting climate change December 11, 2015 - Updated on April 30, 2023
Climate These technologies will help tackle climate change, UN claims December 11, 2015 - Updated on April 30, 2023
Climate Big Oil is hiding behind the scenes of COP21 — what does it hope to gain? December 10, 2015 - Updated on November 1, 2022
Climate Finally, global greenhouse gas emissions peaked! December 10, 2015 - Updated on January 19, 2021
Climate Academics for sale: undercover investigation reveals fossil fuel industry buys scientists December 8, 2015
Climate Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to terminate climate change – and promote vegetarianism December 8, 2015
Climate Carbon tax critical to stopping runaway global warming, Elon Musk said in Paris December 3, 2015 - Updated on December 4, 2015
Climate COP talks tackle the issue of biggest polluters — wolves in sheep’s clothing December 3, 2015
Climate ‘The 2 degrees goal is a political figure, not generated by scientific reports’, says IPCC at COP21 December 3, 2015
Climate Artists install faux ads to protest corporate greenwashing in COP21 December 2, 2015 - Updated on April 30, 2023
Climate The 2,440 new coal fired power plants expected by 2030 could destroy 2 degrees warming target December 2, 2015
Climate Almost $3.4 trillion divested away from fossil fuel, $800 bn. more than in September December 2, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020