Climate The last ten months were the hottest on record and July was the most blazing ever August 16, 2016
Climate What are abundant and sustainable fuels? “Folks, that’s of course the fossil fuels,” says President of Koch-funded shill group August 15, 2016
Climate A CEO’s pay is enough to train all the company’s laid-off coal miners for jobs in sustainable energy August 15, 2016
Biology Douglas fir forests are buckling under the heat, pausing their growth altogether August 11, 2016 - Updated on September 14, 2016
Climate Leonardo DiCaprio’s Oscar speech raised more climate change awareness than Earth Day August 9, 2016
Climate Climate change will make in-flight turbulence more common and take-offs more difficult August 4, 2016
Climate Global warming causes plants and soils to ‘burp’ more CO2 July 29, 2016 - Updated on July 30, 2016
Climate NASA study suggests that one-fifth of global warming missed by historical records July 22, 2016
Climate ‘Shocking,’ ‘Plain Stupid’: New British Prime Minister shuts down Climate Change Office July 20, 2016
Climate Climate change pushing clouds higher into the atmosphere, shifting them towards Earth’s poles July 11, 2016 - Updated on September 5, 2017
Animals Antarctica could lose 60 percent of its penguins to climate change by the end of the century July 4, 2016
Climate Leading science societies band together to speak against climate change denial in the U.S. Congress June 29, 2016
Climate Fastest global emissions rate ever means CO2 levels will never fall below 400ppm in our lifetimes June 16, 2016
Climate Switzerland soon to open first carbon capture plant: interesting engineering or plain stupid? June 9, 2016 - Updated on June 10, 2016
Climate Australia censors UNESCO climate report to remove references to the Great Barrier Reef May 31, 2016
Climate It happened: U.S. Government wants to resettle the first American climate change refugees May 4, 2016
Climate The Middle East and North Africa might become uninhabitable due to global warming May 3, 2016
Climate Vegetation on the planet grew by twice the size of mainland USA due to rising CO2 levels April 26, 2016
Climate How COP21 can become ratified — the small steps required for a global victory April 25, 2016 - Updated on April 29, 2016
Climate U.N. countries eager to ratify Paris climate change deal — maybe two years earlier April 15, 2016
Climate California weather patterns shifting: less ‘average years’, more extremes like droughts April 6, 2016
Climate West Antarctic Ice Sheet might melt faster, adding three extra feet to sea level rise by 2100 March 31, 2016
Climate All of 2015’s weather, in a stunning 4K time-lapse video. March 21, 2016 - Updated on March 22, 2016
Climate Renewable plastic made from CO2 and waste agriculture March 10, 2016 - Updated on March 11, 2016
Agriculture Is the impact of climate change on agriculture underestimated? March 7, 2016 - Updated on March 8, 2016