Climate Aerosol emissions kept climate change in check over the Arctic until Clean Air regulations February 24, 2017
Climate Even ‘dirty’ energy companies don’t want new coal-fired plants in Australia. Not even for free cash February 23, 2017
Climate Europe has to shut down all of its coal-fired plants by 2030 to meet its Paris Agreement pledge February 22, 2017
Climate Cyclists in Latvia show just how much space a car occupies on the road February 21, 2017 - Updated on May 1, 2023
Animals Heatwave kills thousands of flying foxes in Australia February 16, 2017 - Updated on February 17, 2017
Animals Climate change has already harmed more than half of all mammals February 16, 2017 - Updated on May 24, 2023
Climate Enormous crack in Antarctica’s ice shelf is forcing scientists to retreat from 30-year-old research base February 9, 2017
Climate We can achieve the 2C objective, but we have to go 100% renewable energy by 2060 February 9, 2017
Climate California scientists urge Trump not to exit Paris Agreement through open letter February 1, 2017
Climate Bill gates warns against denying climate change January 30, 2017 - Updated on January 31, 2017
Climate Pristine mountain habitats are also not safe from climate change January 27, 2017 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Climate Majority of people in the US favour renewables January 25, 2017 - Updated on January 26, 2017
Climate Barack Obama transfers $500 million to green climate fund in bid to save Paris Agreement January 18, 2017
Climate New deposit of 30 billion tonnes of carbon found trapped in Congo’s peatland January 12, 2017
Climate Why there is no global warming hiatus — new study confirms the obvious January 5, 2017 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Climate The most depressing report of the year says 2016 saw unprecedented warming in the Arctic December 14, 2016
Climate Feeling besieged, climate scientists start archiving data before Trump gets a chance to shred it December 14, 2016
Climate Mysterious collapse of massive Tibetan glacier now attributed to global warming, scientists say December 13, 2016
Climate Why the Weather Channel’s reply to Breibart only works in the latter’s favour December 8, 2016
Climate Record sea ice retreat in the Arctic and Antarctica. Polar bear populations could drop by a third by 2050 December 7, 2016
Climate Rivers are overflowing around Syria because there’s no one to use them anymore December 6, 2016
Climate Thirty years in seconds: Google timelapses show how cities sprung to life in Asia or how ice retreats from Arctic December 6, 2016
Biology Highest-living plant discovered more than 6km above sea level in the Himalayas December 2, 2016
Climate In times of turmoil, academics stand up, develop code of conduct and reaffirm fight against racism, misogyny and climate change denial November 30, 2016
Climate We should prepare for bad surprises in the Arctic climate, new report finds November 29, 2016
Climate West Antarctic ice sheet is melting from the inside, signaling an accelerated collapse November 28, 2016 - Updated on November 29, 2016
Climate Scientists are trapping more and more CO2 into volcanic basalt November 24, 2016 - Updated on March 3, 2021
Climate Just 1C global warming impacts every aspect of life on Earth, new study finds November 23, 2016
Climate Environmentalists plead Japanese and French banks to stop financing coal-fired plants in Indonesia November 21, 2016
Climate The North Pole is a whopping 36F (20C) hotter than it should be right now November 20, 2016 - Updated on November 21, 2016