Animals Russian crafts lands safely on earth – most mice, gerbils and other critters perish aboard perished May 21, 2013
Animals CT scan images caterpillar to butterfly metamorphosis in 3-D May 15, 2013 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Animals “Living fossil” fish DNA may help explain how the first animals to walk on land evolved April 19, 2013
Animals Gecko clinging ability on wet surfaces might inspire water-resistant adhesive tape April 2, 2013
Animals World’s most endangered wild cat embryos frozen and stored in hope of restoration March 26, 2013
Animals Humans caused ancient Pacific bird extinction that killed 10% of world bird population March 26, 2013
Animals Scientists want to ‘de-extinct’ 22 species, including the wooly mammoth, the Dodo bird and the tasmanian tiger March 25, 2013
Animals Horny, military trained killer dolphins on the loose in the Black Sea March 13, 2013 - Updated on March 14, 2013
Animals Robotic bat wing teaches scientists new things about aerodynamics February 27, 2013 - Updated on August 7, 2023
Animals A book on the Cambrian – with some mind blowing illustrations February 20, 2013 - Updated on April 28, 2023
Animals Origins of alcohol consumption traced back to 10-million-year-old common ancestor February 19, 2013