Animals First biofluorescent reptile found is a ‘glowing’ neon red turtle September 30, 2015 - Updated on September 14, 2023
Animals One of the rarest animals, the Andean Cat, photographed in majestic beauty September 29, 2015 - Updated on September 30, 2015
Animals New species of duck-billed dinosaur discovered in Alaska’s North Slope September 22, 2015 - Updated on August 23, 2023
Animals Pest-controlling Bats provide a service worth at least $1 billion to farmers September 16, 2015
Animals Seals and bacteria are leaching mercury even in unpolluted waters September 9, 2015 - Updated on September 14, 2023
Animals Your cat doesn’t see you as a source of security and safety September 7, 2015 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Animals Why don’t they just eat all of them – predator-prey study reveals new law governing ecosystems September 4, 2015
Animals Massive die-off threaten endangered antelope species’ future September 4, 2015 - Updated on February 16, 2017
Animals How male sea horses turn pregnant and carry their young September 3, 2015 - Updated on April 13, 2020
Animals The Iron Snail lives on volcanic vents, two miles under the sea, all thanks to its spectacular armor August 27, 2015 - Updated on February 12, 2024
Animals One of the rarest animals in the world spotted after three decade long absence August 26, 2015
Animals Fighting invasive mussels: Lake Havasu offers mussel decontamination for boats August 24, 2015
Animals Hummingbirds use their tongues as micropumps to sip nectar August 20, 2015 - Updated on October 6, 2023
Animals This oddball octopus mates with its mouth and is actually social August 19, 2015 - Updated on December 9, 2022
Animals Journalist Uses GPS Trackers and Fake Elephant Tusks to Reveal Smuggling Route August 17, 2015
Animals Ants can tell who’s who using their crazy sense of smell August 14, 2015 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Animals Tasmanian devil might get reintroduced to Australia after 3,000 years absence August 13, 2015
Animals Unique friendship between wolf and bear documented by Finnish photographer August 13, 2015 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Animals How crazy ants carry dinner 100 times their size: coordination and individual leadership July 30, 2015
Animals Boa constrictors don’t suffocate their prey. Instead, they cut the blood from the heart July 23, 2015