Animals The Garden of Eel: the out of this world, mildly disturbing feeding pattern of garden eels November 22, 2016
Animals Unique new species of spider found in China masquerades as a leaf November 17, 2016 - Updated on November 18, 2016
Animals Experiment proves beyond a doubt that Goffin’s cockatoos deliberately craft and use tools November 16, 2016
Animals Male chimpanzees take an active interest in their offspring’s well-being, suggests early humans did the same November 11, 2016
Animals Thorny devils drink water with their body, by burying themselves in the sand November 10, 2016
Animals Carbon dating confirms poachers are on a killing spree: 90% of ivory seized since 2002 is three years old November 8, 2016
Animals Wild cats’ brains evolve to a different tune than those of primates, study finds November 2, 2016
Animals A snake with the largest venom glands and known as the ‘killer of killers’ might help us make the best painkillers October 31, 2016 - Updated on January 19, 2023
Animals World’s largest marine reserve established in the Ross Sea, off the coast of Antarctica October 28, 2016
Animals Wildlife populations expected to plummet 67% by 2020 compared to fifty years ago October 27, 2016
Animals Humans may have drove cave lions extinct and used their pelts as rugs October 27, 2016 - Updated on February 22, 2019
Animals You have this weird-looking 423-million-year-old armored fish to thank for jaws October 24, 2016 - Updated on May 29, 2023
Animals Hundreds of snow leopards are being killed every year, and that’s unacceptable October 21, 2016 - Updated on November 2, 2016
Animals Ancient cave paintings and genetics help find the ‘Higgs bison’ missing link October 19, 2016
Animals Despite lacking ears, spiders can hear you talk across the room October 14, 2016 - Updated on April 22, 2023
Animals TripAdvisor bans ticket sales to attractions which include wild animal contact October 12, 2016
Animals Some Tibetan asses employ sneaky tactics to sweep away females from other males October 12, 2016
Animals Deliciously funny finalists from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2016 October 12, 2016 - Updated on November 2, 2016
Animals When mice ‘sing’ they produce ultrasounds we’ve only seen in jet engines October 11, 2016 - Updated on August 27, 2023
Animals Elephants walk on their tip-toes and it’s literally killing them in captivity October 10, 2016 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Animals 13 delicious oyster facts you probably didn’t know October 7, 2016 - Updated on April 30, 2023
Animals Apes can also understand what’s in other people’s heads, and can even spot false beliefs October 7, 2016
Animals Bees can feel optimism, possibly other ’emotion-like states’ as well, study finds October 7, 2016
Animals Five genes could give dogs their unique human interaction — and they share four with us October 6, 2016
Animals Romania clamps down on hunting big carnivores for sport October 6, 2016 - Updated on November 15, 2016
Animals Nutmeg the Cat celebrates 31st birthday. He’s the oldest ca in the world October 6, 2016 - Updated on May 5, 2017
Animals The US steps up for the bees, adding seven Hawaiian species the Endangered Species List October 4, 2016
Animals Alcohol and rapid antidepressants share the same brain pathway, which might explain a lot of things October 3, 2016
Animals Artist creates stunning coral timelapse video, and we can’t stop watching it September 30, 2016
Animals The surprising reason why birds never crash mid-air: they always veer right September 29, 2016
Animals Nat Geo showcases the beauty of nature, one picture at a time September 26, 2016 - Updated on April 30, 2023
Animals These lionesses have grown a mane and are acting like males September 26, 2016 - Updated on February 22, 2019
Animals Cooperative prey hunting and sharing observed in Norwegian seal-eating killer whales September 26, 2016 - Updated on May 11, 2023
Animals Water bears, the amazing animals that can survive in outer space, have a unique adaptation that shields DNA from radiation September 21, 2016
Animals Selective wipe out of large marine species sets the stage for an unprecedented sixth mass extinction September 16, 2016
Animals Russian geneticist breeds the first domesticated foxes and I want one September 15, 2016 - Updated on April 20, 2023
Animals Diego, the promiscuous tortoise, may have just saved his species September 15, 2016 - Updated on October 5, 2016
Animals Critically endangered crow is highly skilled tool user September 15, 2016 - Updated on April 20, 2023