Animals Saddle up: New evidence forces us to rethink what we know about horse history February 23, 2018
Animals Sea urchins drill holes into rocky reefs at an impressive rate February 21, 2018 - Updated on January 31, 2024
Animals Extinction model that factors in body size explains why animals tend to evolve larger bodies February 14, 2018 - Updated on December 22, 2022
Animals Witness the birth of an octopus at the Virginia Aquarium– and learn how it happens February 13, 2018
Animals Scientists outfit praying mantises with tiny 3D glasses, find new type of stereo vision February 9, 2018
Animals Deep-sea marine animals lay eggs near hydrothermal vents so they hatch faster February 8, 2018
Animals Fastest shark on Earth might inspire the next-generation of drones and wind turbines February 8, 2018 - Updated on October 7, 2023
Animals Stomach burn: toads vomit bombardier beetles which trigger explosions in the gut February 7, 2018 - Updated on July 29, 2023
Animals Orcas are able to imitate human speech. Here’s how it sounds like January 31, 2018 - Updated on July 30, 2023
Animals FDA shuts down nicotine addiction study over allegations of “cruel” treatment of animals January 30, 2018
Animals Light pollution from research ship makes Artic zooplankton return to the deep January 29, 2018
Animals Waving away mosquitoes teaches them to stop bothering prey January 26, 2018 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Animals Veterinarians treat burned bears with fish skin — and it seems to be working January 26, 2018
Animals Billions of plastic pieces are entangled in the coral reefs, slowly killing them January 26, 2018
Animals Chinese centipede can kill prey 15 times bigger than itself — but at least now we have an antidote January 24, 2018
Animals A rooster’s crow is as loud as a jet taking off 15 meters away. Here’s why it doesn’t go deaf January 23, 2018 - Updated on May 24, 2023
Animals There’s still hope to stave off extinction for the smallest cat in the Americas, study shows January 19, 2018
Animals Chameleons display fluorescent bones on the skull, study shows January 17, 2018 - Updated on May 24, 2023
Animals Rainbow-feathered bird-like dinosaur discovered in China January 15, 2018 - Updated on October 6, 2023
Animals Research of snakes’ straight-line movement could power the rescue bots of the future January 15, 2018
Animals A wolf has been spotted in Belgium for the first time in 100 years January 15, 2018 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Animals Biologists discover 18 new species of spiders — and they look just like pelicans January 12, 2018
Animals It will be illegal to boil lobsters alive in Switzerland January 11, 2018 - Updated on May 5, 2020
Animals Global warming is causing the largest sea turtle populations to turn female January 11, 2018 - Updated on October 9, 2023
Animals Firehawks: In Australia, birds of prey are intentionally setting the forests on fire January 11, 2018
Animals Oil and gas noise pollution hinders bird reproduction January 10, 2018 - Updated on January 11, 2018
Animals This amazing rainbow peacock spider might inspire the optical technology of tomorrow January 3, 2018 - Updated on January 4, 2018