Animals Scientists discover new hummingbird species and it’s almost extinct already September 27, 2018 - Updated on October 6, 2023
Animals Unlike your vacuum, the manta ray never clogs — and it might inspire microplastic filters September 27, 2018
Animals Fossil fats reveal the ‘oldest macroscopic animal’ that lived 558 million years ago September 21, 2018 - Updated on April 24, 2019
Animals Most people hate wasps — but they deserve to be loved just as much as bees September 19, 2018
Animals Biologists discover new bird species in Africa — and it’s already in trouble September 19, 2018
Animals Honeybee clusters act as ‘super-organisms’ to keep everyone safe during bad weather September 18, 2018
Animals Humans arrived on Madagascar 6,000 years earlier than previously thought — so then what killed the elephant bird? September 13, 2018
Animals When it comes to protecting wildlife, we need better policy, not more science September 11, 2018
Animals Contrary to popular belief, drought actually leads to fewer snakebites September 6, 2018 - Updated on February 1, 2019
Animals Brown bear saliva kills a bacteria that current antibiotics are unable to treat September 4, 2018 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Animals Venomous creatures could hold the key to innovative drug therapies September 4, 2018 - Updated on September 6, 2018
Animals Tiny fish passes mirror test, might be self-aware August 31, 2018 - Updated on October 17, 2022
Animals Perfectly preserved 40,000-year-old foal belonging to now-extinct horse found in Siberian Permafrost August 28, 2018
Animals The most popular exotic pets are also the most likely to wind up in the wild August 22, 2018 - Updated on August 23, 2018
Animals Macaws can communicate with each other by blushing August 22, 2018 - Updated on August 23, 2018
Animals ‘Survival of the laziest’: species that consume less energy better suited to dodging extinction August 22, 2018
Animals A new look at an old fossil reveals how lemurs could have evolved August 21, 2018 - Updated on August 24, 2018
Animals Brands and ads displaying wild animals could make us oblivious to the fact that they’re dying off August 7, 2018
Animals ‘Spicy’ seeds coated in ghost peppers ward off mice and help restore America’s grasslands August 7, 2018
Animals Vaccinating against livestock disease could reduce poverty in eastern Africa, study finds August 6, 2018
Animals Birds perceive colors and hues the same way we do August 1, 2018 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Animals Long-term exposure to sunscreen chemicals disrupts zebrafish embryo development August 1, 2018
Animals World’s 2nd largest penguin colony collapses, losing 88% of members in just 35 years July 31, 2018 - Updated on August 2, 2018
Animals Hurricane-braving lizards get to grips with natural selection July 25, 2018 - Updated on April 17, 2021