Animals Bee markets still in good shape despite pressures from parasites and colony collapse disorder October 7, 2019
Animals Pixelated images showcase how close these species are to extinction October 2, 2019 - Updated on October 30, 2019
Animals Pink sea urchins have self-sharpening teeth September 19, 2019 - Updated on February 12, 2024
Animals Dolphins are seeing a rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and it’s our fault September 16, 2019
Animals Seminal fluid blinds honeybee queens so they’re less likely to mate with other males September 11, 2019 - Updated on October 9, 2023
Animals Brain scans show how humans shaped dog evolution September 3, 2019 - Updated on January 15, 2020
Animals Fossils in La Brea Tar Pits redraw picture of saber-toothed cats August 7, 2019 - Updated on November 12, 2021
Animals Twig-mimicking caterpillars perceive color through their skin to match their background August 5, 2019
Animals Pufferfish spines and the hair on your head are governed by the same set of genes July 25, 2019
Animals Analysis of 19 million cats shows how our pets’ weight evolves throughout their lifetimes July 17, 2019
Agriculture Grasshoppers, silkworms, giant cicadas are a good source of antioxidants — if you eat them July 15, 2019 - Updated on October 9, 2023
Animals 8 bird species have disappeared this decade or are on the brink of extinction June 28, 2019 - Updated on July 24, 2019