Diseases HIV prevention drug approved by the FDA, decision criticized by AIDS support organization July 17, 2012
Anthropology Archaeological evidence attests second founding group in North America, besides Clovis culture July 13, 2012
Climate One in 1.6 million chance of this summer’s heat wave happening without global warming July 12, 2012 - Updated on November 23, 2016
Anthropology Earliest modern human genome partially sequenced June 29, 2012 - Updated on August 26, 2012
Climate Most precise climate change predictions have L.A. area heating up by 4-5 degrees by mid-century June 22, 2012
Physics Standard Model of Physics might be revamped after experimental findings raise doubts June 19, 2012 - Updated on May 14, 2021
Alien life So called Baltic Sea “UFO” mystery solved, other questions arise June 18, 2012 - Updated on June 3, 2016
Health Scientists catalog weird microbes in your body – a few pounds of bacteria is healthy for you June 14, 2012
Environment Carnivorous plants turn to veggie diet due to pollution June 13, 2012 - Updated on June 20, 2012
Biology New method allows visualizing of protein self-assembly – paves way for nanotech against diseases June 12, 2012 - Updated on June 11, 2023
Environmental Issues Scientist warn loss of biodiversity is reducing Earth’s ability to care for us June 7, 2012 - Updated on October 27, 2017
Research Dinosaurs were a lot lighter than previously thought. Study might change the way we’ve envisioned dinosaurs thus far June 6, 2012 - Updated on August 24, 2023
Physics Scientists split an atom in two and then fuse it back together June 5, 2012 - Updated on February 17, 2023
Anthropology American skulls have significantly gotten larger in the past seven generations, and still growing June 5, 2012 - Updated on November 22, 2012
Nanotechnology Free-electron X-ray laser reveals protein architecture at unprecedented detail June 4, 2012 - Updated on April 18, 2014
Archaeology One of the first ancient civilizations, the Harappan, was devastated by climate change May 29, 2012
Biology Theories on the Evolution of Consciousness must Account for Why More Species Have not Evolved It May 29, 2012 - Updated on May 11, 2023
Environment Seagrass on ocean coasts can store twice as much carbon as tropical rainforests, yet face destruction May 22, 2012
Discoveries Chemical reactions turns CO2 into semiconductor material, and releases energy [!] May 21, 2012
Animals Earliest evidence of pollination is 100 million years-old, found in perfectly preserved insects May 15, 2012
Environmental Issues Humans need an extra planet at current rate of resource depletion, study finds May 15, 2012