Research Why are men better navigators than women? Testosterone, not evolution might be the answer February 21, 2013 - Updated on May 31, 2018
Mind & Brain Biological marker for dyslexia found. Good news: reading can be improved February 21, 2013
Health 3D printer ear looks and works just like the real one February 21, 2013 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Genetics Is evolution predictable? Research shows specialization isn’t that special after all February 20, 2013
Technology Star Trek holodeck-like imaging offers a whole new perspective on virtual reality February 20, 2013
Inventions Picture perfect: quick, efficient chip eliminates common flaws in amateur photographs February 19, 2013
Diseases Parkinson’s tremors significantly reduced after electrical signal cancels brain waves February 19, 2013
Discoveries Rare supernova leftovers might have produced the youngest black hole in the Milky Way February 13, 2013
Research Silicon robot hops 30 times its own height using combustion February 11, 2013 - Updated on February 22, 2019
Discoveries Microbes found in subglacial Antarctic lake suggest extraterrestrial life is possible February 8, 2013
Animals Earliest mammal pinpointed suggests the ancestry expanded after dinosaurs died off February 8, 2013
Space Technique that allows mapping of distant worlds might allow us to find the next Earth February 5, 2013
Diseases DNA vaccines could prove to be safer, easier and better than traditional method January 30, 2013
Science Prisons are schools for criminals. Illegal earnings go up after jail time January 30, 2013 - Updated on May 24, 2016
Science Google Glass insights: bone conduction audio, laser-projected keyboard and more January 29, 2013 - Updated on June 21, 2023
Pollution Minor oil spills are underreported most of the time by oil companies January 29, 2013 - Updated on February 28, 2017
Biology Microbes thrive in high altitude stormy clouds – could play role in global climate January 29, 2013
Inventions Using DNA as a storage device – 100 million hours of HD video in every cup January 24, 2013 - Updated on July 28, 2023
Chemistry Just by adding water to silicon nanoparticles, scientists almost instantly produced hydrogen January 23, 2013
Genetics Genetics might predict how long you’ll live. Trauma might shorten life span January 18, 2013
Physics Microwave metamaterial camera images in real time. It’s only a fraction of the size current devices are January 18, 2013 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Physics Intelligent molecules that fold and change shape demonstrated for the first time January 16, 2013
Environmental Issues Exotic plant species drive native plants into extinction contrary to reports January 16, 2013
Robotics Robots: reviving the American economy, killing the workforce January 15, 2013 - Updated on April 18, 2014