Animals Sharks worth more money alive in the ocean than in a soup bowl, study finds May 31, 2013 - Updated on October 7, 2023
Discoveries Fantastically preserved mammoth carcass with flowing blood discovered in icy Siberia May 29, 2013
Anthropology Early hominids started walking on two legs because of shifting geology May 27, 2013 - Updated on November 16, 2020
Discoveries Smallest liquid droplets created at LHC are 100,000th the size of a hydrogen atom May 20, 2013
Alien life Ancient billion-year-old water pocket discovered beneath Canadian mine may reveal how life formed May 16, 2013
Animals CT scan images caterpillar to butterfly metamorphosis in 3-D May 15, 2013 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Physics LHC passes ‘hardest’ test yet: ping-pong ball blazes through particle accelerator April 16, 2013
Mind & Brain Our most fondest and valuable memories are cemented during sleep April 15, 2013 - Updated on August 27, 2023
Physics Relativistic computation brings us one step closer to accurately describing turbulence April 5, 2013
Environmental Issues Rising hemisphere temperature difference shifts tropical rainfall patterns April 4, 2013
Animals Gecko clinging ability on wet surfaces might inspire water-resistant adhesive tape April 2, 2013