Chemistry Nano-enhanced textiles could lead us to a brighter future with no laundry March 23, 2016 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Biology Bread mold could build the batteries of the future March 21, 2016 - Updated on March 22, 2016
Design Islamic art inspires metamaterial that grows when stretched March 16, 2016 - Updated on March 17, 2016
Electronics Radar-suppression meta-skin could be the first step towards an invisibility cloak March 7, 2016 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Discoveries Quantum dot technology breakthrough brings it one step closer to a screen near you February 26, 2016
Materials Novel polymer changes shape just by touching with a finger — lifts 1,000 times its own weight doing so February 12, 2016
Chemistry Self assembling nano material brings us tangibly close to water-powered cars January 13, 2016
Materials This electric generator is only a few atoms thin January 12, 2016 - Updated on January 13, 2016
Materials Everything about Aluminium: facts, recycling, importance October 27, 2015 - Updated on April 30, 2023
Materials Coating makes steel stronger and squeaky clean October 20, 2015 - Updated on October 21, 2015
Inventions Chic 3D-Printed Bikini Helps Clean the Oceans October 19, 2015 - Updated on October 20, 2015
Chemistry Your eyes aren’t fooling you – this concrete absorbs 1,000 gallons of water per minute September 30, 2015 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Inventions Self-repairing concrete might build the future April 6, 2015 - Updated on February 15, 2019
Inventions Perfection is overrated: Flawed graphene sheets may lead to better fuel cells March 18, 2015
Materials Berkeley scientists create material that changes color when pulled or twisted March 16, 2015
Chemistry Penta-graphene is stronger and better than graphene – we only need to make it, now February 12, 2015 - Updated on September 20, 2021
Materials Adding water to solids can actually make them stronger, providing engineers with exciting new material composites December 19, 2014
Materials Researchers make 32 differently-shaped DNA crystals – is this the Future of Nanotech? October 21, 2014
Materials At MIT’s self-assembly lab, materials turn to life October 20, 2014 - Updated on April 29, 2023
Chemistry Blackest material resembles a black hole. It’s so black you can’t even see it July 14, 2014
Materials Adding lithium makes graphite both transparent and conductive. A great game changer for the industry July 3, 2014