8 out of 10 internet users might be suffering from Cyberchondria aka ‘seeing Dr. Google’
Almost all doctors we've spoken to advise against "internet diagnoses", and this infographic is telling in this respect.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Almost all doctors we've spoken to advise against "internet diagnoses", and this infographic is telling in this respect.
Using energy from the sun, researchers converted seawater into hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) -- a fuel that can be used in...
A joint venture between US Department of Defense and Australian Defence Science and Technology Organization launched a rocket to a...
Every summer, turtle hatchlings have to quickly dig up the sand of their nests and start a perilous journey towards...
Discover the fascinating world of quicksand but also learn how to break free from it.
In the past decade, ice extent at the two poles couldn't be more different. The Arctic has seen its 13...
One Japanese startup is planning one hell of a fireworks show for the official opening of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic...
ZME Science has reported extensively on how 3-D printing is being implemented in the medical sector with some fantastic results....
All living things, from polar bears to bacteria, become more active or slow down their metabolism over a 24-hour cycle....
Harvard roboticists made an insect-like flying robot that perches on ceilings to save energy, like bats, birds or butterflies.
When self-driving cars finally take off, these should be safe. But right now, there's no guarantee they are. A small...
Portugal covered its citizens' and industry's electricity demand using power generated by wind, solar and hydro for an extraordinary 107...
Random numbers are essential for cryptography and computer security. The problem is that algorithms don't really generate totally random numbers.
Paleontologists have discovered two new triceratops relatives that simply looked amazing. One had two forward-curving spikes running from the back...
Researchers have sequenced the genomes of the tallest mammal on Earth, as well as it's unlikely closest cousin, the okapi....
Few drugs have had a more undeserving bad rep as LSD, but acid is finally making a comeback, it seems.
Lazy physicists from Australia programmed an artificial intelligence system to maneuver a delicate experiment with little to no oversight. The...
. Perhaps the most impressive feature of spider silk is that it's taut even when it's been stretched to several...
A team from IBM Research dramatically increased the storage capacity of an alternative memory structure called phase-change memory (PCM) to...
Harvard researchers have demonstrated an all new 3-D printing technique that creates metals objects with complex shapes right in mid-air....
By analyzing telltale chemical signs which marked the environment, like led isotopes, a team of researchers tracked the water quality...
Paleontologists have identified an ancient hyena-like canine that occupied eastern North America approximately 12 million years ago. The coyote-sized dog...
Despite these tentative first steps definitely look like a work in progress, don't look so stunned when you'll learn about...
Using a chemical technique, researchers removed the complex organic polymers that give wood its characteristic appearance and, in the process,...
A man recovering from penile cancer is the first American citizen to receive a penis transplant. The operation, a first...
In almost all mammals, the babies develop inside the mother before they are born, a process we all know as...
We've gone a long way since simple keys and locks. Things like digital encryption or biometric validation methods based on...
It was bound to happen. This week, Jared Overton, a Tesla Motors Model S owner, reported his car spontaneously started...
Even though they're genetically identical and live in the same environment, not all bacteria are the same. When times are...
A team from Monash University, Australia, and Imperial College, U.K., found the oldest micrometeorites ever and by studying them could...
The AAA Foundation for traffic safety ordered a handful of studies that assess the effects marijuana legalization had on driving...
On May 8, Germany generated a record high amount of renewable energy. Solar, wind, hydro and biomass plants together generated...
How many friends do you think you have? A hundred, twenty... two? Chances have it, you actually have only half...
Carrots are the richest source of vitamin A in the American diet, which is why you hear "they're good for...
"Be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy only when others are fearful," said Warren Buffet, arguably the most...
Soft robotics involves machines designed to resemble biological systems like squids, caterpillars, starfish, human hands and more. Though far less...
Known as the “ship of the desert”, the dromedary camel is one of the largest domestic ungulates and one of...
To check where you stand among the age demographics in the U.S., Nathan Yau of Flowing Data made this interactive...
Both civilian and military applications have become heavily reliant on digital communications, which in turn are dependent on space hardware...
Developed by researchers at MIT for over a decade, the 'second skin' is a transparent, silicone-based polymer that can be...
One energy expert from the U.K. made headlines with his bold comments. He says oil companies have only 10 years...
In the movie, The Matrix, Neo masters over a dozen martial arts in a fraction of a second as the...
Thanks to robots, surgery has gone a long way since these have been introduced in the '80s making operations safer...
A Shenzhen startup has received 200 orders for the Martin Jetpack, what they call "the world's first practical and commercial...
"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1".
When researchers at John Hopkins factored human errors they found this was the third leading cause of death in the...
By all account, we can only perceive three spatial dimensions: width, length and height. Everything seems more vibrant and 'real'...
Being left-handed isn't easy in a right-handed world. Let me tell you, though, at least you're better at math!
While most of the world is sluggish about EVs, Japan seems to be light years ahead. The island state's pro-electric...
There are Google self-driving cars, Google-made phones and notebooks, and soon there might also a be a Google city.