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What is El Niño?

El Niño is an oscillation of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific which impacts weather patterns.

Brain circuit links sleep-wake cycle with reward system -- a new potential target for insomnia drugs

A connection between reward and sleep has been found by neuroscientists. New drugs that target this circuit could help insomniacs ease into sleep.

How artificial intelligence will augment the typical North American city of 2030

Fifteen years from now in a North American suburb.

Woolly mammoths might become the first extinct species listed as protected to fight off ivory smugglers

Mammoth tusks are used as a front to launder illegal elephant ivory smuggling.

Carbon nanotube transistor outperform silicon for the first time -- a turning point in electronics

Scientists devise the most promising carbon nanotube transistors yet.

Giant Panda no longer 'endangered' thanks to conservation efforts in China

Good news: giant pandas rebound!

The army's amazing 1962 four-legged Pedipulator beat Star Wars to it by 15 years

The '60s were very creative.

Poachers responsible for 30% drop in savanna elephant populations in Africa

Africa's elephants might become endangered soon because of widespread poaching.

Newly found dwarf pterosaur species might re-write the ancient flying reptile's evolutionary history

Not all flying reptiles were big.

Hidden Roman graveyard helps track the plague's evolution from a mild stomach upset to a mass murderer

Tracking the plague's origins -- so something like it won't happen again.

Superman's disguise could actually work -- people wearing glasses are harder to recognize

And here I was thinking people in Metropolis are plain stupid.

The difference between a climate change skeptic and a climate change denier

The two aren't interchangeable.

A smart brain is not only big, but blood thirsty too

The brain needs a lot of blood to be smart.

Tasmanian devils evolve resistance to transmissible cancer that's nearly 100% fatal

When all hope was thought to be lost, selection came to the rescue.

Interactive map shows which paths animals need to take to flee climate change

Visualizing the impending migration of birds, amphibians, and mammals.

Meteorites crashing into early Earth might have supplied all the precious biocompatible phosphorus

Scientists track how a critical chemical element for life got to our planet.

Lucy, our famous hominid ancestor, likely died falling from a tree

This isn't the final word, though.

Contact lenses deliver medicine straight to the eyeball

Eye drops are so last century.

Meet the Pipe: a beautiful desalinization plant that might one day serve 1.5 billion gallons of water to California

Who says desalinization isn't sexy?

Study wants to track EVERYTHING 10,000 New Yorkers do over 20 years, to unravel the mysteries of the human condition

It's very creepy, but might be a game changer in science.

Newly found galaxy is almost entirely made out of dark matter

A dark galaxy that a Sith Lord would enjoy.

New storage device combines attributes of both capacitors and batteries

The best of both worlds

Controversial study claims biofuels aren't carbon neutral, says it's much worse than gasoline

A long-standing assumption in science is being put into question.

How WiFi routers can be used to read lips, see through walls, identify people from a group or sniff keys

Router, we need to have a serious talk.

Endangered species need to wait 12 years on average for federal protection, six times more than mandated

This takes wait too long -- we need to make haste.

Proxima B is probably the closest planet to Earth we'll ever find, and it might be habitable too

Fire those blasters. We're going exploring!

14 GIFs of products being made: deep inside the plant

I could look at these all day.

Physicists capture sneezing in slowmo, and this is actually important

Bless you!

Transportation takes lion share of carbon emissions in U.S. after 40 years -- both good and bad news

Basically, it's because coal is done and gone.

New Chinese mass-market Electric Vehicles (EV) startup got $1 billion in funding

Yet another Chinese EV startup joins the landscape -- but the valuation is ludicrous.

Watching too much television linked with a distorted view of the justice system

When too much TV can be a crime.

Brain scans of Zika infected babies suggest the outbreak is worse than we thought

The full extent of Zika is far from being known.

Scientists make DNA analog circuit that can add and substract

DNA is so versatile.

The story of Poland's secret "Flying Universities" that gave men and women equal chance, Marie Curie among them

How Polish scholars started an underground movement in the late 1800s for their education.

Why Lego won't ever make 'realistic' military-related toys

Because it doesn't think war is child's play.

Zika infection kills brain cells in the adult mouse brain -- pandemic might be worse than thought

Zika got a whole lot scarier.

Genetic sequencing used to unclothe Ötzi the Iceman's wardrobe

He wore a coat made from sheep and goat hides, but also a hat made from a bear's fur.

Polish scientist hides secret messages in rave music

The maddest DJ mixes Morse Code.

Sitting will still make you unhealthy, even though you exercise

Sitting -- killing you since kindergarten.

Hands and digits evolved from fish fins, groundbreaking study proves

Our beloved hands are coded by the same genes that make fish fins.

Tiny nanotech device purifies water in less than half an hour using the sun

Researchers went full blown MacGyver with this nanotech water purifier.

What an amazing 104-year-old cyclist might teach us about aging and elite sports

Well this is embarassing for most of us.

Pesticides linked to massive bee die off, largest study of its kind confirms

Yet another study -- the most important so far -- finds that neonicotinoids likely wipe out bees.

China launches first quantum satellite making its communications unhackable

Teleporting quantum states might the future of communications, and China is leading the way.

By 2085 most cities in the world will be too hot to host Summer Olympic Games

The Summer Olympic Games might one day take place with air conditioning.

The last ten months were the hottest on record and July was the most blazing ever

We've become very cynical. "Hottest year? Doh!"

Pilot program aims to use drones to drop medical supplies in isolated areas

When you need medical supplies, you need them immediately and one startup promises to do it faster than anybody.

Is this the fifth fundamental force of nature? Physics might never be the same

Physics just got a whole lot more interesting.

What are abundant and sustainable fuels? “Folks, that's of course the fossil fuels,” says President of Koch-funded shill group

The Koch Brothers' rhetoric not only defies logic and facts, but the English language also.

A CEO's pay is enough to train all the company's laid-off coal miners for jobs in sustainable energy

The coal industry is tanking -- hundreds of thousands are getting fired, while execs are getting a raise. One startling study found how little it takes to retrain those laid-off.

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