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How one Japanese used Deep Learning to sort his parents' cucumbers

You don't need to change the world for deep learning to have a meaningful impact in your life.

China's 'Alphabet' raises $1 billion in funding to make electric cars

Electric vehicles are at home in China.

This is the first pop song written by an A.I. and it sounds a lot like The Beatles

You can dance to it. Who said robots were boring?

How much land California needs to cover with solar panels to become 100% fossil fuel-free

Sounds like a lot, but by comparison with other infrastructure, it's far from being intimidating. 'Let's get to work!'

Swedish scientists plan to edit the genes of healthy human embryos, treading on thin ice

They plan to cut genes out until they learn which are involved in miscarriages.

Amazing Cognitive Bias Chart shows Why You Shouldn't always Trust your Judgement

We're all seriously flawed.

How quantum entanglement changed the nature of physical reality forever

Are we living in only one of infinitely possible universes?

Genome study of Aboriginal Australians, considered the oldest living civilization, points to single exodus out of Africa

All present-day non-African populations are descended from the same single wave of migrants, who left Africa around 72,000 years ago, new study says.

Can animals get depressed too?

The jury is still out but the evidence seems to suggest 'yes'.

Smoking damages DNA, altering more than 7,000 genes

Smoking is bad for your health, and that includes genes too.

How Trump and Clinton plan to solve issues involving climate change, research, innovation or energy

Presidential candidates answer 20 questions about the most pressing science-related issues in America today.

We're half way there: key threshold crossed for Paris Climate Change Agreement to come into force

Climate change requires more action from gov-stakeholders -- but the gears are turning.

Aboriginal Australians used bladed-boomerangs as weapons designed to kill. Not the 'Garden of Eden' after all

Australian aboriginals rarely engaged in violent conflict, but they employed a creative weapon they had to.

Water bears, the amazing animals that can survive in outer space, have a unique adaptation that shields DNA from radiation

Nature was kind to this death-defying critter.

Mysterious space blob is a veil for a huge galactic nursery

Though they might look boring, one of the largest objects in the universe could be a lot more important than previously thought.

Forget the 'five-second rule', it's so garbage it will make you sick

Don't kid yourself anymore. You knew all along it was BS but you still ate that toast.

The Paris Climate Change Agreement might become ratified at the U.N. talks this week

This week, New York is the world's capital for climate action.

One of the best preserved mammoth skulls was found on an island near California, but its story is mysterious

Well preserved fossils were supposed to be easy.

These TWO charts are enough to understand why solar power is the future of energy

It's all you need to know, really.

Elon Musk revisits the most pressing problems humanity needs to solve today

The interview features some practical advice for young innovators. Hint: you don't need to aim very high to have a lasting impact.

Teens are convinced to forgo junk food in favor of healthy eating if this means 'sticking it to the man'

It worked marvelously!

Global warming might lock California in drought for centuries

Aridity might be the new normal in California.

Is licking your wounds actually a good thing?

Comes with benefits, but also risks. At the end of the day just use a band-aid.

Selective wipe out of large marine species sets the stage for an unprecedented sixth mass extinction

Large marine species are favorably lost which could disrupt marine ecosystems for millions of years.

Young man paralyzed from the neck down regains arm and hand movement following stem cell therapy

This novel treatment could help thousands live independently.

Solar cells woven into fabric could turn any tent, curtain or clothes into a solar panel

Solar energy is definitely in fashion nowadays.

China launches its second space lab into Earth's orbit, preps for full fledged space station in 2020s

Another stepping stone in China's long road to achieve space dominance.

Climate change has never been more polarized by partisan belief. Say 'thanks' to mainstream media

Partisan belief is promoting anti-science views which might cost us all dearly.

Abandoned gold mine in Australia gets turned into novel renewable energy hub

One of the cleverest things we've seen in a long time. One up for the environment.

Brain interface enables monkeys to thought-type passages from Hamlet with 12 words per minute

That's three times faster than previous attempts.

The Gist of Climate Change explained in one Amazing XKCD Comic

Randall Munroe is back with yet another intelligent comic. This time he drew out a very complex subject in simple terms.

One of five American CEOs might be a psychopath

Good for business, bad for society.

Smokers who were lied that their cigarettes had zero nicotine also had their brains tricked

It's amazing how deception can fool even one of the strongest physical addictions.

You're holding that mug wrong -- physicist calculates 'claw-hand posture' is most effective to avoid coffee spills

Meet the claw!

The moon might have formed after the planet was completely vaporized by cosmic impact

Earth and moon can trace their history back to a violent cosmic clash.

Swiss startup demoes residential solar panels twice as efficient than what the market has to offer

Another confirmation that solar energy is moving fast.

MIT machine makes videos out of still images to predict what happens next

Some creepy deformities at large, but we get the idea: machines are getting smarter.

Jeff Bezos's Blue Origin unveils new heavy-duty rocket design meant to sweep contracts away from SpaceX

Should Elon Musk be worried?

Environmental history encased in hippo teeth shows how poaching is altering Africa's landscape

Poachers are destroying the delicate competitive balance between the two classes of plants in Africa's savannas.

Curiosity, not how much science you know, is the best predictor of unbiased opinions

Curiosity makes you resist the temptation to form opinions before you hear the science.

Air pollution inside your car is 40% higher during traffic jams, so keep windows closed and switch fans off

Urban air pollution has been classified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) among the top ten health risks humans face.

High-power lasers create 'smoke rings' that travel along the beam with the speed of light

Smoke on the light, fire in the sky.

Book review: 'Altered States: Buddhism and Psychedelic Spirituality in America'

Altered States is a great scholarly work that attempts to dissect American Buddhism and psychedelics.

Edible coating can empty every last drop of sticky liquids like ketchup, honey or syrup


The next sexual revolution might be that of the human-robot intercourse

Weird times ahead.

Scientists debate the implication of life-altering tools that can wipe out species to save others

Some technologies are moving too fast for our ethics to keep up.

After fingerprint and DNA, now a protein test could complement forensic investigations

It could be a game-changer for law enforcement.

How blind people dream -- the experience is just as rich, science says

Most blind people can't see in their dreams, but their experience is just as rich as everyone else's.

Pepsi, DuPont, Google and others play both sides by funding climate change deniers, despite publically supporting climate action

Lame, lame, lame.

This is the first meal made with gene-edited CRISPR ingredients

Still delicious.

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