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Laser stopwatch measures atomic events with trillionth of a billionth of a second accuracy

This is one fast 'camera'.

Scientists make semiconductor-free chip that work similarly to vacuum tubes

Taking hints from pre-1950s technology, researchers devised semiconductor-free electronics that operate faster and can handle more power.

Scientists launch new survey of Yellowstone to make the most accurate map of the park's subsurface

The goal is to identify the pathways hot water uses to travel to the surface.

Carbon dating confirms poachers are on a killing spree: 90% of ivory seized since 2002 is three years old

Forensic techniques suggest elephant massacres in Africa are as bad as we thought.

Machine learning identifies suicidal patterns with 93 percent accuracy

Machines can tell when someone is contemplating suicide.

World leaders convene for COP22 in Marrakech to turn promises into action

All eyes are on Marrakesh for the next two weeks as the most important climate event of the year unfolds.

Is napping good or bad? Here's what the science says so far

The benefits and downside of napping explained.

White House announces plan to cover 25,000 miles of highways in 35 states with EV charging stations

Better late than never.

A huge black hole is zipping 'naked' through the universe, and it's not phased one bit by it

What an astronomical flasher.

Presenting the electron kaleidoscope: the first ever colour electron microscope

This new technique could be revolutionary for science.

Self-healing battery pulls itself back together if you cut it in half -- still delivers electricity

These electronics just won't die.

This 50,000-year-old settlement found in Australia's barren interior shows Aboriginal ancestors were skilled survivors

Right in the middle of nowhere, ancient humans ventured to start a new life.

The biggest space telescope in the world, the JWST, is finally complete. It will launch in 2018

The James Webb Space Telescope can see a bumblebee a moon's distance away.

Chain-smoking robot lights up 12 cigarettes like a gatling gun for science

The real-life Bender could be a life saver.

New laser tech could be the life-sniffing 'nose' for NASA's next Mars rover

An innovative technology could drastically up our chances of finding alien life inside the solar system.

Jesus Christ's burial tomb sees light of day for the first time in 500 years

Hundreds gathered in Jerusalem's Old Town to witness a historic moment.

Chinese leader pressures Trump to uphold milestone climate change pact if he's elected

Trump might jeopardize the most important climate change text in history.

Spinach doped with carbon nanotubes turns into explosive detector

The next generation of monitor sensing could be half plant, half machine.

Amazing photos of Exp 49 astronauts touching down on Earth after 115 days in space

One skilled photographer shows what coming to Earth feels like.

A snake with the largest venom glands and known as the 'killer of killers' might help us make the best painkillers

You often have to look in peculiar (and dangerous) places for innovation.

Newly proposed particles might solve five of physics' biggest problems, including dark matter

This may be the holy grail of physics we've all been waiting for.

Astronomers shoot incredible image of Jupiter-sized alien planet and its parent star 1,200 light-years away

A glimpse from outer space.

Experimental male birth control seems to work, but the side effects are pretty nasty

The shots were 97% effective but were not very pleasant to handle.

World's largest marine reserve established in the Ross Sea, off the coast of Antarctica

A great victory for wildlife.

The top 10 wettest places on Earth

If you thought your weather sucks, wait until you learn about these places.

Wildlife populations expected to plummet 67% by 2020 compared to fifty years ago

'A wake-up call to marshal efforts to promote the recovery of these populations.'

Humans may have drove cave lions extinct and used their pelts as rugs

'This will look fabulous in the cave's wall.'

Genetic study finds AIDS first appeared in the U.S. in 1970, clears the name of 'Patient 0'

Almost 24 years after his death, the most villainized patient in US history clears his name.

Why is Mars so red?

It's because of all that iron-rich dust, but it's not clear how it got there.

'Java genes' explain why coffee doesn't work for some people

If coffee doesn't work for you, you might have different genes from everyone else.

Another ignoble carbon milestone: in 2015 average CO2 levels crossed 400ppm

No pat on the back for this one.

The surprising reason why Begonia leaves are iridescent blue: energy harvesting

A light scavenger can teach us a lot about energy efficiency.

Synthetic alcohol comes will all the benefits of regular alcohol, only without hangover

You can get drunk without having to deal with dry mouth, nausea, and headaches, says a British researcher.

Big liars start out small: scientists find repeatedly telling lies trains the brain to ignore feeling bad about it

Telling many small lies make you stop caring about the big ones.

Orbiting probe take snapshot of Mars Landers' grave -- RIP, Schiaparelli

Footage from the crime scene.

Scientists think they have a good drug target to prevent Alzheimer's

It would be like taking drugs that lower cholesterol, researchers say.

The 1% might be wealthy, but they're poor in empathy: study suggests the rich don't notice you

You can't buy empathy

Jupiter's cloud bands extend for hundreds of kilometers into the atmosphere

Scientists peeled Jupiter and make striking findings.

You have this weird-looking 423-million-year-old armored fish to thank for jaws

The ancient animal had jaws that resemble those of modern land vertebrates and bony fish.

Interbreeding with Neanderthals gave us some good genes, but also diseases

We're still finding the fruits of this interspecies love affair.

Watch Tesla's new completely self-driving cars in action

This is so cool!

Why modern 'clay tablets' etched with the world's knowledge are being buried beneath a salt mine in Austria

We must not be forgotten.

The depressing state of American mental health: 20 percent of the population suffering from mental illness, but only half get treatment

Depressing news.

All Tesla cars coming out of the factory get complete self-driving hardware. Each car is basically a supercomputer now

Audacious plans ahead.

Monkeys in Brazil make stone flakes, which means some of those ancient tools might falsely be attributed to hominids

The monkeys cut the stones for a whole different reason, though. Ok, maybe they're not that smart.

Cheap catalyst reverses combustion and turns CO2 into ethanol fuel

And its discovery happened by accident, too.

Ancient cave paintings and genetics help find the 'Higgs bison' missing link

Thanks to prehistoric humans and modern DNA tools, scientists have cracked a mystery of science.

World's biggest solar power plant might be built in Nevada -- it's supposed to power 1 million homes or as much as Hoover Dam

A huge concentrated solar power plant might open in Nevada, 2020 onward.

Mouse eggs engineered entirely in the lab for the first time -- later lead to healthy adults

Everyone says this is a massive breakthrough in biology.

Meet Sawyer, the friendly robot that wants to disrupt manufacturing and education

Sawyer can do just about anything, even 'wink'.

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