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This is one fast 'camera'.
Taking hints from pre-1950s technology, researchers devised semiconductor-free electronics that operate faster and can handle more power.
The goal is to identify the pathways hot water uses to travel to the surface.
Forensic techniques suggest elephant massacres in Africa are as bad as we thought.
Machines can tell when someone is contemplating suicide.
All eyes are on Marrakesh for the next two weeks as the most important climate event of the year unfolds.
The benefits and downside of napping explained.
Better late than never.
What an astronomical flasher.
This new technique could be revolutionary for science.
These electronics just won't die.
Right in the middle of nowhere, ancient humans ventured to start a new life.
The James Webb Space Telescope can see a bumblebee a moon's distance away.
The real-life Bender could be a life saver.
An innovative technology could drastically up our chances of finding alien life inside the solar system.
Hundreds gathered in Jerusalem's Old Town to witness a historic moment.
Trump might jeopardize the most important climate change text in history.
The next generation of monitor sensing could be half plant, half machine.
One skilled photographer shows what coming to Earth feels like.
You often have to look in peculiar (and dangerous) places for innovation.
This may be the holy grail of physics we've all been waiting for.
A glimpse from outer space.
The shots were 97% effective but were not very pleasant to handle.
A great victory for wildlife.
If you thought your weather sucks, wait until you learn about these places.
'A wake-up call to marshal efforts to promote the recovery of these populations.'
'This will look fabulous in the cave's wall.'
Almost 24 years after his death, the most villainized patient in US history clears his name.
It's because of all that iron-rich dust, but it's not clear how it got there.
If coffee doesn't work for you, you might have different genes from everyone else.
No pat on the back for this one.
A light scavenger can teach us a lot about energy efficiency.
You can get drunk without having to deal with dry mouth, nausea, and headaches, says a British researcher.
Telling many small lies make you stop caring about the big ones.
Footage from the crime scene.
It would be like taking drugs that lower cholesterol, researchers say.
You can't buy empathy
Scientists peeled Jupiter and make striking findings.
The ancient animal had jaws that resemble those of modern land vertebrates and bony fish.
We're still finding the fruits of this interspecies love affair.
This is so cool!
We must not be forgotten.
Depressing news.
Audacious plans ahead.
The monkeys cut the stones for a whole different reason, though. Ok, maybe they're not that smart.
And its discovery happened by accident, too.
Thanks to prehistoric humans and modern DNA tools, scientists have cracked a mystery of science.
A huge concentrated solar power plant might open in Nevada, 2020 onward.
Everyone says this is a massive breakthrough in biology.
Sawyer can do just about anything, even 'wink'.