The fish that evolved to survive toxic pollution 8,000 times the lethal dose
A mutant success story.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
A mutant success story.
Knockouts are a thing because the brain is trying to product itself.
Dinos wore plumage before it was fashionable.
Because relativity, that's why.
The Vikings were late a million years. Back then this was 'really' Greenland.
Climate change is throwing a party. Let's prepare the drinks.
Scientists only had her knees to work with but are confident they belonged to the late queen.
The experiments proved current animal flight models are inaccurate.
The buzz of the ocean.
You should actually be honored.
Finally, someone found out how charge is transferred between water molecules.
The genes that code sexual diversity in flowers.
Real-time evolution, what more proof do you need?
Digs at one of the most amazing anthropological sites in the world come across something big.
MDMA is no longer 'just a party drug.'
Who needs oxygen when you got ... sulfur?
Copenhagen seems to be the capital of cycling in the world.
Made in China might become a stamp for innovation, not replication.
Things are moving in the right direction in Texas.
The road through the eyes of a self-driving car.
Genetic influence on drinking is real.
Fashionable supersonic flight is back!
The Theory of Evolution has not been proven wrong once -- that's not to say it's perfect.
The ice shelf is far more fragile than we hoped.
Most ants scavenge your picnic, but these ones don't need anything.
A completely radical approach to fighting the dirtiest energy source.
Only alligators carry a heavier clamping force.
The world from the Fifth Element is closer than you thought.
For a moment, the ground beneath parts of Mexico behaved like a fluid.
Findings alien life on barren planet like Mars seems unlikely, but the discovery of the century might that of past...
The island used to import 100,000 gallons of diesel each year from overseas. Now renewable energy meets all its needs!
A longstanding debate is put to rest.
It's no nightmare -- just nature. And it's actually beautiful!
Researchers think this method could help patients with PTSD and phobias.
It used to belong to a wealthy and powerful local.
A story of broken promises and land grabbing.
In China's Yunnan rain forest, one exploring arachnologist came across one of the most peculiar spider species ever.
Scientists zero in on the biological components and mechanisms that give rise to consciousness.
It seems unbelievable, but this cabinet pretends these new oil and gas exports will become someone else's problem.
It's all in the grain size.
How one organization is proposing solving climate change by looking inwards, not outwards for solutions.
It's the plot of a dark vampire movie.
It's high time we talk about guns and who gets to own them.
We could cool down the planet starting tomorrow if we wanted to, but we don't know what would happen next.