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Fingerprint auth isn't as secure as most people think.
It's all about the conservation of angular momentum.
One step forward, two steps back.
The answer to this deceptively simple question could help scientists better understand structures like DNA.
Gentoo penguins are prolific poopers, much to the delight of some scientists.
Studying Mars' ionosphere and its metal ions might explain how the planet lost most of its atmosphere (and liquid water).
A rare sight 4.50 million kilometers away.
The algorithm exploited the motion and orientation data recorded by a smartphone's accelerometer or gyroscope.
The debate isn't over, but a comprehensive gene study suggests marine jellyfish were the first creatures to diverge. This distinction is commonly attributed to sponges.
The study found that most people think old books smell like 'chocolate'.
Money doesn't grow on trees but food does.
The American company is looking to position itself as a sustainable energy power house.
More and more Americans are waking up to reality but many are still left dazed and confused.
There's no reason to panic but what's certain is flights will become more uncomfortable.
The inspiring story of Marsh Arabs and their amazing sustainable floating homes.
Smoking tobacco with hookah pipes is not harmless at all, despite what you might have heard.
Cannibalism for food doesn't make much sense a recent study suggests.
An illustrated timeline of the greatest moments in science.
This was thought to be impossible to undertake until not too long ago.
Let's put the hype away for a second and see what sets these two technologies apart.
In 2015, one in ten people died because of smoking.
Cracked screens and scratches might finally become history.
We have a pretty solid track record for ignoble milestones.
Two megafloods destroyed a huge land bridge that connected Dover to Calais.
The wildest things can get trapped in amber.
From bad to worse.
Immunization is important.
Desalination might one day be as easy as passing water through a sieve.
Chances are you won't come across anything weirder than a black hole. Here's the proof...
Tyrannosaurs may have had unexpectedly sensitive faces.
Last week was a historic one for SpaceX. Here's what should happen next.
There's a digital satellite at your fingertips you can use for free. Let's explore some amazing Google Earth stories!
India wants 100GW of solar and wind to come online by 2022.
Don't get too upset if your child doesn't seem to understand your worries. But no more excuses past age 4....
Interplanetary potato, yeah!
“It’s such a magical place — Australia’s own Jurassic Park, in a spectacular wilderness setting," one of the researchers said.
The old making way for the new.
In the aftermath of a titanic galactic battle, a merged black hole caused some waves.
There's a lot to be grateful for the first mammalian ancestors who evolved side-to-side chewing.
It's similar to how Facebook's facial tracking algorithm works, only much more useful.
For humans, the same kind of therapy seems years away.
We're getting closer to the ideal silicon solar cell.
Only 29 percent of cancers can be attributed to lifestyle or environmental factors while heritability could explain 5 percent of cancer mutations.
They would have needed fewer pieces of lembas if it weren't for those hungry 'stinking hobbitses'.
German engineers turn on a huge light bulb to better understand solar energy.
The woodpecker's skull is simply built different.
The story of how one of the most iconic American infrastructure works got built -- all in pictures.
Fewer than 1,000 cases are reported worldwide. Now, a breakthrough procedure offers hope to these patients who have to undergo blood transfusions every couple of weeks.
MIT found an elegant solution to a complex problem.
Comets are far more geologically active than we thought.