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“This is a big signing, very important signing,” Trump said after he signed a bill that will basically make it impossible to check corruption of US oil&mining corporations operating abroad.
The new grain can plant itself back since it's a perennial hybrid. No GMOs involved.
But its citizens need to feel this growth in their monthly statement otherwise a disaster might happen.
This is what you get when you teach AI to behave like a human.
This is molecular surgery.
It only lasted for as little as 3 million years before making room for something grander.
“The human magnitude of climate change looks more like a meteorite strike than a gradual change.”
This could be a game changer for storing renewable energy like wind or solar.
As many as one in three people don't see an improvement after exercising. But doesn't mean you're stuck forever.
This research could drastically improve drug testing for cardiovascular diseases which are responsible for 40% of all deaths in North America.
This could be a game changer.
Some scientists are already preparing for a world without bees.
It lost it.
The archaeologists didn't find any new texts but the cave has renowned interest for a massive hunt.
A huge iceberg the size of Delaware could completely break free in the coming month.
Vape -- not so safe.
T-t-that's pretty good actually.
"Americans overall are bad at science. Scared of math. Poor at physics and engineering. Resistant to evolution."
Not so noble after all.
It's similar to the breath alcohol tester used by the police but for the flu.
When a predator such as a snake strikes the gecko, it's not dinner he's getting but a mouthful of scales.
This means being carnivores must have been an excellent solution for these plants.
Things just got a whole lot more complicated.
There's not much going on today but Mars must have been very volcanically active.
The risk for a potential biohazard would be seriously reduced.
We all know at least one person.
Eye candy!
Quantum computers today are ineffective but this is set to change.
The resolution density of today's displays is nearing its limits but a novel technology could change all that.
An unusual, one of a kind study reveals the strange influence living in space has on our genes.
These patients can't even blink voluntarily. They're completely locked in their bodies. Now, they have a way to communicate.
The process takes 30 minutes and is 10 times faster than previous methods.
A new study suggests a moderate workout improves neuroplasticity.
This machine could save thousands of lives.
If confirmed, this could be one of the most revolutionary material of the century
Will farmers take note, though?
The bill's introduction is only a formality away from making history.
Green tech doesn't kill jobs. On the contrary.
Willis Carrier invented air conditioning in the early 20th century. But many other people made their contribution.
No everyone is convinced this machine can actually perform quantum operations, though.
Continue at your own risk.
Bye-bye to swapping reading glasses.
Women who had their first period before age 12 seem predisposed to premature or early menopause.
Sleep is very important for the brain. Here's what happens during the most active phase of sleep.
The impact of this research could be enormous.
Forget steam, try sticking jade eggs in that punani. No. Seriously, don't.
More than just pretty pictures.
Just a bit of fake news presented in context along the factual is enough to negate the effects of bogus information.
One odd design is being tested out in Tunisia right now.