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12 Physics-bending Facts about Black Holes

Chances are you won't come across anything weirder than a black hole. Here's the proof...

Newly discovered tyrannosaur species had a delicate face

Tyrannosaurs may have had unexpectedly sensitive faces.

SpaceX rockets are just inches away from full reusability. Space flight might never be the same after

Last week was a historic one for SpaceX. Here's what should happen next.

10 Amazing Sights Discovered Over Google Earth

There's a digital satellite at your fingertips you can use for free. Let's explore some amazing Google Earth stories!

Why India might become the biggest market in the world for solar energy

India wants 100GW of solar and wind to come online by 2022.

How infants start relating to other people past age 4. Critical brain fiber matures around that age

Don't get too upset if your child doesn't seem to understand your worries. But no more excuses past age 4....

From fiction to reality: scientists grow potatoes in Mars-like conditions

Interplanetary potato, yeah!

The most diverse dinosaur tracks ever were documented in Western Australia. World's biggest dino footprint found here

“It’s such a magical place — Australia’s own Jurassic Park, in a spectacular wilderness setting," one of the researchers said.

German coal mine will be converted into a huge hydro battery for renewable energy

The old making way for the new.

Supermassive black hole dislodged from its galactic throne travels at 5 million mph

In the aftermath of a titanic galactic battle, a merged black hole caused some waves.

'Chewing like a cow' helped early mammals thrive in the wake of dinosaur extinction

There's a lot to be grateful for the first mammalian ancestors who evolved side-to-side chewing.

Facial recognition software can diagnose rare genetic disease with 96% accuracy

It's similar to how Facebook's facial tracking algorithm works, only much more useful.

Drug reverses aging in mice. The rodents saw increased stamina, better organ function, and restored fur

For humans, the same kind of therapy seems years away.

Record-breaking silicon solar cell efficiency of 26.6% demonstrated by Japanese researchers, very close to the theoretical limit

We're getting closer to the ideal silicon solar cell.

'It's not your fault': Two-thirds of cancers are due to random genetic mutations, but lifestyle is still very important

Only 29 percent of cancers can be attributed to lifestyle or environmental factors while heritability could explain 5 percent of cancer mutations.

The Fellowship of the Ring needed 675 pieces of lembas bread to reach Mordor, study finds

They would have needed fewer pieces of lembas if it weren't for those hungry 'stinking hobbitses'.

Largest 'artificial sun' switched on in Germany to research hydrogen production

German engineers turn on a huge light bulb to better understand solar energy.

Why woodpeckers don't get headaches

The woodpecker's skull is simply built different.

Building Hoover Dam, in pictures (1931-1936)

The story of how one of the most iconic American infrastructure works got built -- all in pictures.

Medical breakthrough: first patient cured of a rare and painful blood disorder called CDA

Fewer than 1,000 cases are reported worldwide. Now, a breakthrough procedure offers hope to these patients who have to undergo blood transfusions every couple of weeks.

Tree-on-a-chip mimics passive pumping mechanism found in plants and trees

MIT found an elegant solution to a complex problem.

Landslide spotted on comet for the first time using Rosetta's images

Comets are far more geologically active than we thought.

Dutch researchers demonstrate 42.8 gbps connection using Li-Fi. It's 100 times faster than the best Wi-Fi

It uses infrared light instead of radio waves to transfer data.

The face of a Medieval 'poor man' living in England 700 years ago

Scientists performed a remarkable facial reconstruction of a 15th century man who lived his last days at the mercy of charity.

Copernicus: the treasure in the sky helping science and the climate with free and open data

Copernicus is one of the most valuable scientific programs in the world you likely never heard about.

Despite a struggling economy, Italy has the healthiest citizens in the world

Money is hard to come by these days in Italy but at least people have their good health.

New Zealand parrot's 'laugh' is so contagious other birds just can't resist joining in

When the kea plays its playful call other parrots just can't help themselves and join in.

Tiniest U.S. flag ever appeared by accident after researchers toyed with a 2-D material

This U.S. flag is only a couple nanometers wide or thousands of times thinner than a human hair.

Biofuels reduce jet engine emissions by as much as 70%, NASA says

The biofuels reduce carbon emissions and the formation of contrails.

How the water bear defies death even in the vacuum of space by wrapping its cells in glass

This animal keeps on surprising us.

A tribe living in the Bolivian rainforest has the healthiest hearts in the world

There's a lot we can learn from these people's lifestyle.

Astronomers zoom in on baby solar system only 300 light-years away that's forcing us to rethink planetary formation

In a rare opportunity, scientists are studying how planets are forming in a very young solar system. They got more than they bargained for.

Swedish kids will learn programming from their first year in primary school. They'll also learn how to spot fake news

Sweden wants its citizens to become proficient in two important skills for the 21st century -- and it's working its way bottom-up.

Superconductivity breakthrough could reset Europe's power lines and make renewable energy more competitive

Don't resist progress.

Mysterious 400,000-year-old skull found in Portugal might have belonged to a Neanderthal ancestor

No one knows who the direct ancestor of Neanderthals is but this skull might help shed light.

Google tool that calculates the solar energy potential of your rooftop expands to all 50 states

It's never been easier to make an informed, market-based decision about going solar.

Architect directly worked with students to design a stunning zero-emissions new university building in Germany

Sustainable design for a greener academic future.

Scientists found a way to make car tires using eggshells and tomato peels

Putting the world's growing food waste problem on wheels.

How climate change is forcing some scientists to move ice from a mountain in Bolivia to Antarctica

A daring team of scientists will battle the elements to save ice cores which hold treasures of scientific data before it's too late.

To birth supermassive black holes in the early universe, some galaxies may have had to be sacrificed

A new study offers an unorthodox explanation for how supermassive black hole formed in the early Universe.

Artificial intelligence can write classical music like a human composer. It's the first non-human artist whose music is now copyrighted

The 21st century biggest musical prodigy might turn out to be a machine.

Wind energy could generate a quarter million new jobs by 2020 in the US alone, and an economic impact of $85 billion

America's largest renewable energy source will continue to add a lot of new jobs in the coming years.

Six years after a disastrous meltdown, it is now officially safe to live in some parts of Fukushima

Exactly six years later after the tsunami hit Fukushima, at least some residents can now sleep without worries.

Dendrites generate electrical spikes too -- human brain computing capacity might be 100 times larger than thought

A groundbreaking study suggests the human brain works fundamentally different than science thought.

Doctors record brain activity in a deceased patient 10 minutes after death

This is totally not normal and nobody knows for sure what happened.

Porsche's first fully electric vehicle, the Mission E, could charge in only 15 minutes

Electric cars are getting better and better. With style to boot.

Enhanced vision, and not limbs, may have prompted fish to become the first land animals

This is no chicken or the egg story.

Why pandas have dark and white patches: camouflage and communication

Finally, scientists explain what's with the panda's cute black and white patches.

Check the wheels on that thing: Boston Dynamics' latest robot overlord

One award-winning company is back in style with another crazy robot.

Revolutionary material can absorb 90 times its weight in spilled oil. It can be squeezed like a sponge and then reused

Oil spills are never a pretty sight but an innovative sponge-like material could make these events far less disastrous.

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