How bees might help smartphone cameras snap more natural-looking photos
They give us honey. Now, bees could offer the best Instagram photos.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
They give us honey. Now, bees could offer the best Instagram photos.
Can the Russians take on SpaceX?
It's now possible to see how individual cancer cells move through the body of a mouse.
Move over dino. *Ribbit-Ribbit*
New insight into the evolution of Neanderthals but also into a common ancestral lineage.
Yet another stupid health fad is making waves.
Turns out eating a high-salt diet makes the human body act like a camel hump. Read on...
Still think Neanderthals were brutes?
Vertigo isn't always fun -- here's everything you need to know about the most common type of dizziness.
Inspired by nature, scientists tackle a sticky problem.
Another spectacular find from Göbekli Tepe.
This is one slow dance.
“Imagine a camel without a hump, with feet like a slender rhino, and a head shaped like a saiga antelope."
House finches use cigarette butts to ward off ticks. They do so on purpose.
In wind energy, bigger is almost always better.
The cost of non-action could be dramatic by the end of the century.
Experimental technology for the future.
Sleep quality might have something to do with the reported findings.
Let's shine some light on the matter.
The best predictor of long or pointy eggs is a bird’s flying ability.
Not much is known about its owner.
ESA is proposing the most promising 'space janitor' yet.
Can you make out Curiosity from this satellite photo?
You can trust a dog's nose.
This 100-year-old silent film is absurdly mesmerizing. Way ahead of its time!
It belonged to the daughter of a priest close to the royal family.
Cold nights in Finland could be kept at bay with solar.
One family is helping science make more progress than dozens of study before it.
From Egypt's pyramids to Viking longboats, cats never left our side since we invented agriculture.
There is so much more we can do.
Your childhood fantasies weren't all that off.
People kill themselves for all sorts of reason, but there's a genetic makeup to it too.
Delaying breakfast for a couple of hours can help synchronize the body's biological clocks.
This is the beginning of the quantum internet.
Istanbul residents were delighted with the bright and milky water, as they were quick to point out on social media.
The scientists owe it all to a 19th-century field diary.
It sounds like the plot of a bad movie -- but it's just science.
This fatty likely had a great influence on how other later planets formed in the early solar system, including Earth.
The massive gas giant likely adopted the cosmic bodies when they came too close to Jupiter's gravitational pull.
Three times bigger and seven times more powerful. Particles have no idea what's in store for them.
Populism thrives on fear and uncertainty.
The poor are disproportionately affected.
The brain's complex web just got a lot more tangled.
Average expenditures are lower among single-payer financing systems, the study found.
One small step for bread, one giant leap for mankind.
An extremely rare find.