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New landforms on Earth could tell us about how ancient ones on Mars formed.
It was also particularly vulnerable to disease well before humans arrived in Australia.
The findings imply that we don't really know how Mars' water disappeared.
This planet is restless to its core.
The history of mankind's humble beginnings has been rewritten.
It's a sensor that will tell scientists how common small, but dangerous debris are.
The insight could prove useful to battle obesity.
The force is strong with this one.
The swarm intelligence found the #MeToo movement as the clear winner. It's the second time in a row it guessed TIME's POTY.
A crazy dino chimera.
A biodegradable plant protein can be crushed to directly generate electricity.
Scientists gain new insight into mysterious cloud formations traveling around the galaxy.
Taking inspiration from babies, this machine learns to predict seconds into the future.
Microbes seem at home in the space lab.
If you want to do the environment and yourself a favor, just eat healthily. There will be fewer emissions and less land use.
A graph that speaks 1,000 words about how ideology is trapped in the same bubble on social media.
Illegal abortions are correlated with dangerously unsafe abortions.
Sometimes, the world can work together for the common gold.
A new class of drugs might save you a lot of headaches.
A young graduate student spent years studying the genes of NYC rats.
There's no water in its stratosphere -- a first that might change what scientists think Hot Jupiters form.
Scientists glitter can be a health hazard for wildlife once it ends up in waterways.
It's more profitable to start deploying new solar now than operating currently existing coal or nuclear plants.
This is one of only 100 such portrait mummies ever found in the world.
3-D printing just got a lot sexier.
Those are some big wheels to fill.
A ghostly, tiny fish dominates the deepest layers of the ocean.
The brilliant findings underscore the importance of conservation in the area, especially for invertebrates which are often overlooked.
The Amish could hold the secret to the 'fountain of youth'.
Living solar cells could power medical or environmental sensors. They're fully biodegradable too.
The purpose is to identify how everyday consciousness works.
Some sunshine to brighten a bad mood.
The required hardware is inconvenient, however.
This successful first trial might one day save the reef.
By 2050, virtually every summer will be hotter than anything we've experienced to date.
There may still be health risks with cloning but we might have been looking at the wrong kind.
It took us 175 years to spot the difference.
The ebb of 20 years worth of seasons condensed in 2.5 minutes.
As if lightning wasn't insane enough.
Humans had the upper hand for now. In the long run, though, drones prove more reliable.
The research suggests the same pathway may have been taken by dinosaurs as they transitioned to birds.
After 11 years in space, this marvelous shot of the ringed planet was taken
That's how science works sometimes.
They want to see if there are any health hazards to cloning.
Anti-tobacco advocates are furious the delay will make the campaign less effective.
A strange visitor from interstellar space came to visit. It might teach us a thing or two about the universe.
It used to be a gentle beast which tragically succumbed to human overhunting.
Finally, no more flat tires!
Sleeping on the back in the third trimester doubles the risk of stillbirth.
Owing a doggo seems to our health well.