Brewing beer on Mars? Students find Martian soil is suitable for growing hops
Brace yourselves for Martian craft beer!
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Brace yourselves for Martian craft beer!
About one-third of all traffic fatalities are due to alcohol-impaired driving.
The delicate maple trees might not survive the warming temperatures forecasted for the end of the century.
The opposite is actually true for humans. Having close friends and family extends our lifespan.
Researchers also discovered gorgeous cenotes that may be connected with Maya religious beliefes.
A huge forest ought to span all the way from Hull to Liverpool by 2042.
New research seems to vindicate rats as the harbingers of one of the deadliest diseases in history.
It might teach us about how galaxies such as the Milky Way evolved.
It's a super James Bond-esque idea.
Such a device could be ready within 10 years but not everyone is convinced it could work.
We tend to average past experience, which might make a couple recent extra pounds seem like nothing.
A gene mutation that makes it likely for women to develop breast cancer doesn't actually make the disease worse.
Though they might look goofy, these assassins are ruthless killers.
The new laws come in light of overwhelming evidence suggesting crustaceans can sense pain.
Wildlife is the overlooked casualty of war.
The extinct species offers a glimpse into New Zealand's long-lost mammal fauna.
A unique cosmic stone challenges what we know about how the solar system formed.
Oil machinery stresses birds, leading to fewer eggs and weaker hatchlings.
The astronaut apologized for the 'fake news'.
The new method doesn't rely on donor muscle tissue unlike previous methods.
The secret is to exercise five times a week in a diversified way.
As always, prepare for weirdness.
Star can be capricious but understanding their mood swings is definitely worth it.
The virus could have been infecting people for thousands of years.
A trifecta consisting of a lunar probe, lander, and rover will be deployed for this purpose.
Sometimes, international collaboration can do wonders!
Tell me what you drive and I'll tell you who you'll vote for.
The viral infections share many symptoms but the flu can be a lot worse. Deadly worse.
It seems to depict the creation of the heavens and earth.
The sole fossil specimen of its species teach us a lot about an ancient lineage.
This cute fellow has unique nanoscale structures that break light like a prism.
A welcomed solution to our growing food problems.
Mars might be abundant in water. The problem is its trapped in minerals inside the planet's crust.
It might take a while though before the effects settle in.
If you want to quit smoking, you should definitely try physical exercise more.
The stunning pictures capture the might of the soon-to-be 'most powerful rocket' in operation.
Chocolate can be very dangerous for dogs.
Air pollution kills twice as many Africans as HIV/AIDS.
The amazing discovery suggests that alien life might actually be common.
Technically, the baby is older than its mother by one year.
Herb could prove a worthy ally in our fight against opioid drugs.
New England residents shouldn't panic, though. There won't be a volcanic eruption in their backyard anytime too soon.
Oral infections have a long evolutionary history in bears.
Besides rapidly reducing depression symptoms, ketamine seems to keep suicidal thoughts at bay as well.
Let's hope this landscape is never in the open.
That's older than the United States.
It could positively change the lives of thousands of people around the world.
The booster sent the unmanned crew capsule to the edge of space. They both soft landed on Earth later.