Generic drugs for heart conditions work just as well as brand name drugs
They might not sound fancy, but generics work just as well for a faction of the cost.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
They might not sound fancy, but generics work just as well for a faction of the cost.
Scientists have found a connection between nerve loss and muscle atrophy. They think the process can be reversed.
A strange form of ice is intriguing scientists.
Another audacious claim from quite possibly the boldest man on Earth.
The scarecrow of the 21st century.
The procedure also involves a minimally invasive laser, and can be performed without medical supervision.
The findings could lead to a new class of electronics like flexible LEDs.
This looks like a better alternative to wiping out mosquitoes at the population level.
The diamond rose 700 km from Earth's mantle to the surface.
Mars is still full of surprises.
It took more than a hundred million years before lizards re-evolved this feature.
It means that we could one day build amazing electronics with graphene.
It's a completely unexpected discovery.
It uses air molecules as fuel to beat drag.
It could make food crops more resilient to droughts.
Tattoo removal might get more effective and less painful, as a result.
It was a mind-blowing appearance by Professor Hawking.
Such technology could one day save lives.
This odd world hundreds of light-years away could teach us about how planets in our solar system formed.
CRISPR is more like a swiss army knife now.
A more thorough analysis suggests overweight and obese people don't actually live longer than people of normal weight.
Homer Simpson is drooling over this story.
This means there are three species of elephants alive today.
Its wider than a football field.
Sitting isn't good for our health. But neither is standing. The solution lies somewhere in the middle.
This will make electric car drivers in Siberia very happy.
The research could inspire a novel class of microelectronics based on DNA.
An exciting research catches fat cells migrating by themselves for the first time.
Beech trees' range has expanded dramatically, suffocating birch of maple trees.
A rare and beautiful view of Jupiter from a novel angle.
An adorable monkey's 'ekks' and 'tsiks' might teach how speech evolved.
It was like the tumor “sat like a head on top of another head,” doctors recalled.
Human speech may have been born out of cave art.
It's the most disease-infested mammal in the world but yet bats not only survive, they thrive. What's their secret?
A cosmic record breaker.
Boston Dynamics' SpotMini takes a beating -- but went through either way.
It really depends a lot on your body.
The scientific consensus says GMOs are safe but public opinion remains polarized.
Secrets don't stay buried for long in the face of science.
The goal is to ultimately harvest organs for transplant in human patients.
"It's very uncharted territory," the researchers explained.
Radiation might destroy the car long before that happens, though.
Good thing Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun.
The world is facing a water crisis. This novel technique not only provides freshwater but also an important building-block for...
The children were buried with vast riches, in contrast to functional adults who had more modest burials.
One of the biggest icebergs in the world has now exposed a potentially alien-like ecosystem.
The country wants to first experiment with the proposal in five cities.
The model teaches us what makes a species more resilient with limited resources.
Roach bots could be used to explore alien worlds and find survivors in disaster relief operations.
Chemicals commonly used in non-stick pans or stain-free clothing might promote obesity.