Victim’s jawbone shows shocking intensity of Hiroshima nuclear attack
The victim was less than a mile away from the blast's center, with devastating effects.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
The victim was less than a mile away from the blast's center, with devastating effects.
This may explain why some people experience premature hair graying.
The toolmakers and butchers belong to a mysterious species of human ancestors.
Before he died, the famous physicist completed his final theory of the cosmos.
These iconic animals could become extinct soon if we dont help them.
It all started with an intriguing post on Reddit.
There's an arms race going between us and bacteria. We seem to be losing -- badly.
The Klamath is set to lose many of its iconic conifers, to be replaced by shrubs.
Chocolate -- good for the tummy, good for the brain.
Not all dino teeth are made the same...
It's like a Vantablack planet!
An amazing and dangerous encounter between humans and an ice age species was trapped in fossilized mud.
'Spooky action at a distance' is approaching the human scale.
An incredibly fruitful mission sheds new secrets about the Milky Way.
The weapons were used in hand-to-hand combat or to kill prisoners.
The average age of the American entrepreneur is 42.
Literally out of this world.
The planet's climate system is even more complicated than we thought.
Forget the double-helix for a second -- there are other, more interesting DNA structures out there.
An astronaut in the midst of Uranus' top clouds would be able to smell a rotten egg-like stench -- if...
The two look identical but they can be quite different.
Is there anything AI won't touch?
Exercising is almost never bad for you.
At this rate, in a few centuries, the world's largest mammal could be the domestic cow.
It's the drug many people suffering from debilitating headaches have been waiting for.
The world's largest coral system is dying, and it's all our fault.
'These things are everywhere,' said one researcher.
The gesture has inspired thousands of people over social media.
Pieces of an ancient planet formed long before Earth shed their secrets.
The dinosaurs started and ended with a bang.
A novel breakthrough that could save lives.
The loggerheads can find their original nesting grounds within 40 to 50 miles, despite being away for decades or traveling...
In doing so, they've come up with evidence that might tell us what dark particles and forces might or might...
That's over a limit of four to five glasses of wine per week.
But we humans are the real punks here.. .
Butterfly iridescence is really, really old.
Standing out from the opposite sex comes at a cost -- and this could make all the difference in the...
A little ice age and modern global warming have had a say in this.
The results astonishingly suggest that Alzheimer's effects on the brain could be reversed.
The new gripper can grasp almost anything from pipes to porous rocks. Its primary application might be space.
A new step forward that might make graphene mainstream.
This is a serious condition that has sent many to the ER multiple times.
The fossil found on a UK beach used to belong to an ancient behemoth.
A tiny fingerbone is re-writing the story of human dispersal out of Africa.
The results are encouraging given an aging population around the world.
Scientists are left in the dark again.
All the better to breathe with.
The novel camera help researchers devise a novel underwater GPS method.