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First metal pollution event in Europe suggests Europeans were smelting metal 5,600 years ago

The metal ages may have started in the Balkans.

Making babies on Mars will be challenging and might even lead to a new species of humans

Are we ready for the biggest ethical challenges mankind has ever faced?

Ancient bony fish that was larger than a whale shark and a fast swimmer

The findings might help settle an important debate among biologists.

Why do cats knead?

It's a rare moment when kitty feels relaxed and loved. Don't ruin it!

Genes of living descendents might solve mystery of the Inca Empire's origin

Myths surrounding the founding of the Inca might not only be true -- they also seem to be linked.

A million French smokers quit in 2017 thanks to anti-smoking campaigns

Anti-smoking measures really work.

Computer simulation predicts new exotic particle composed of two baryons

This would make it only the second such particle besides heavy hydrogen.

The Great Barrier Reef had 5 near-death experiences so far, but this one might be its last

The Great Barrier Reef may be facing its worse threat yet.

Tall trees in tropical forests are less vulnerable to drought

Novel insights into the inner works of complex tropical ecosystems.

Cockroach milk might become the next superfood on millenials' wish list

Roach list has three times the energy content of dairy milk.

NASA explains how one of its cameras melted during rocket launch

Watch this brave camera's last moments as it gets engulfed in flames.

Scientists observe 'black widow' pulsar in unprecedented resolution

A rapidly rotating star is consuming a helpless brown dwarf, and scientists are recording the event in excruciating detail.

Hot cars left in the sun reach temperatures deadly to infants in under an hour

Don't judge. Forgetting about babies in the car could happen to anyone.

Pluto might have been formed by a billion comets

Pluto just got weirder.

Curiosity Rover is back to drilling Martian rocks -- and this is really important

NASA engineers had to invent a new clever technique.

Rice is losing its nutritional value due to rising CO2 levels

Rice is losing proteins, vitamins, and minerals due to rising CO2 in the atmosphere.

Manhattan could halve its number of cars and people would still get where they need to go - if they rode smart

More silicon, less asphalt, says an MIT researcher.

Never skip leg day: study finds hind leg inactivity causes neurological problems in mice

Physical exercise is critical to brain health.

How coyotes conquered North America -- and are still expanding fast

The canines are expanding so much they might even become a South American species.

Most common type of childhood leukemia is partly due to lack of exposure to microbes during infancy

After a century-long debate, doctors think they finally know what's causing ALL.

New evidence backs up existence of mysterious 'Planet Nine' in the outer solar system

An elusive planet ten times more massive than Earth may be lurking in the outer fringes of the solar system.

Humanity is just 0.01% of all life but we wiped out 83% of all wild mammals

A new study reveals the staggering disproportionate impact that humanity has on wildlife.

Human activity is messing with global freshwater movement

The message is clear: We need to act now!

Major depression in men makes couples less likely to conceive

Depression can make both men and women infertile.

Healthy diet may prevent brain shrinkage in older adults

Eating a balanced diet of fruits and veggies staves of brain aging and cognitive decline.

Lizards with lime-green blood might lead to cure for malaria and other diseases

Their blood is green due to a pigment that is toxic to humans.

An energy-dense diet changes the brain -- makes rats hungrier and more prone to obesity

High-calorie foods not only cause obesity, they change the brain.

NASA wants to send a tiny helicopter along with the next 2020 rover mission

It will allow scientists to explore Mars like they could only imagine until now.

How different stages of sleep work together for creative problem solving

Even the toughest problems cand find a solution in our sleep.

Laser heats water to 100,000°C in less than a millionth of a millionth of a second

The experiment turned liquid water into plasma.

Trump Administration shuts down CO2 monitoring program, as greenhouse gas levels skyrocket

It's a damn shame.

Nouns slow down speech, which is why we utter a lot of 'uhs' and 'uhms' before them

We're far more likely to use slow-down sounds before nouns than verbs.

How many dimensions are there?

According to String Theorists, there are at least 10 dimensions. But there could be as many as 26.

Machine learning corrects photos taken in complete darkness, turns them into amazingly sharp images

Who needs Photoshop when you got this?

Celebrating Richard Feynman's 100th Birthday

In honor of Feynman's centennial.

Deadly fungus threatening to wipe out amphibians around the world traced to Korea

The East Asian pet trade of amphibians needs to be halted at once, according to the researchers.

Most oncologists recommend medical marijuana, although they admit they're not informed enough

The gap is important to bridge.

Mindbending 'Spooky Action at a Distance' experiment involving 100,000 gamers proves Einstein wrong

Quantum mechanics -- how does it work?!

Woman's runny nose lasted for two years, turns out it was a freaking brain fluid leak

She spent a lot of money on tissues...

Scientists find a potential cure for baldness

An old drug originally meant to treat osteoporosis could help millions get hair back.

Why alligators on the beach and killer whales in the river is the new normal

Large predators are reclaiming what was rightfully theirs all along.

What causes cavities and how to spot tooth decay

How long has it been since your last checkup?

HIV sexual transmission recorded live as the virus crosses the genital mucus membrane

It's strangely beautiful, even though we're talking about a dreaded pathogen.

What scientists learned after they trained spiders to jump on demand

This study might help scientists build a new generation of super-agile micro-robots.

Scientists play classical music to fancy crocodiles, then scan their brains

These have got to be the most cultured crocs.

Performing artists with a history of childhood adversity have more intense creative experiences

Some of the best art comes out of a lot of pain.

Alan Turing's final paper inspires new way to desalinate water

The brilliant mathematician would have been proud.

Almost 40% of people aged 65 to 80 are sexually active, but few are open about it

Older people have sex too, but they don't talk about it to their doctors, which may be a problem.

Astronomers find helium in exoplanet's atmosphere for the first time

It took abnormally look considering helium is the 2nd most abundant element in the universe.

NASA lander will study 'Marsquakes'

The quakes will help scientists learn more about Mars' interior.

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