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Even the toughest problems cand find a solution in our sleep.
The experiment turned liquid water into plasma.
It's a damn shame.
We're far more likely to use slow-down sounds before nouns than verbs.
According to String Theorists, there are at least 10 dimensions. But there could be as many as 26.
Who needs Photoshop when you got this?
In honor of Feynman's centennial.
The East Asian pet trade of amphibians needs to be halted at once, according to the researchers.
The gap is important to bridge.
Quantum mechanics -- how does it work?!
She spent a lot of money on tissues...
An old drug originally meant to treat osteoporosis could help millions get hair back.
Large predators are reclaiming what was rightfully theirs all along.
How long has it been since your last checkup?
It's strangely beautiful, even though we're talking about a dreaded pathogen.
This study might help scientists build a new generation of super-agile micro-robots.
These have got to be the most cultured crocs.
Some of the best art comes out of a lot of pain.
The brilliant mathematician would have been proud.
Older people have sex too, but they don't talk about it to their doctors, which may be a problem.
It took abnormally look considering helium is the 2nd most abundant element in the universe.
The quakes will help scientists learn more about Mars' interior.
The victim was less than a mile away from the blast's center, with devastating effects.
This may explain why some people experience premature hair graying.
The toolmakers and butchers belong to a mysterious species of human ancestors.
Before he died, the famous physicist completed his final theory of the cosmos.
These iconic animals could become extinct soon if we dont help them.
It all started with an intriguing post on Reddit.
There's an arms race going between us and bacteria. We seem to be losing -- badly.
The Klamath is set to lose many of its iconic conifers, to be replaced by shrubs.
Chocolate -- good for the tummy, good for the brain.
Not all dino teeth are made the same...
It's like a Vantablack planet!
An amazing and dangerous encounter between humans and an ice age species was trapped in fossilized mud.
'Spooky action at a distance' is approaching the human scale.
An incredibly fruitful mission sheds new secrets about the Milky Way.
The weapons were used in hand-to-hand combat or to kill prisoners.
The average age of the American entrepreneur is 42.
Literally out of this world.
The planet's climate system is even more complicated than we thought.
Forget the double-helix for a second -- there are other, more interesting DNA structures out there.
An astronaut in the midst of Uranus' top clouds would be able to smell a rotten egg-like stench -- if he didn't die first.
The two look identical but they can be quite different.
Is there anything AI won't touch?
Exercising is almost never bad for you.
At this rate, in a few centuries, the world's largest mammal could be the domestic cow.
It's the drug many people suffering from debilitating headaches have been waiting for.
The world's largest coral system is dying, and it's all our fault.
'These things are everywhere,' said one researcher.
The gesture has inspired thousands of people over social media.