Extremely cold climate may have sealed Neanderthals’ extinction
Climate change was unforgiving with the Neanderthals.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Climate change was unforgiving with the Neanderthals.
The Higgs saga continue.
Are these neurons what makes humans so smart? Could be.
The baby horse still has its fur coat and hoofs.
Low-carb diets might work in the short-run but they increase risk of death if used for too long.
This surprising observation applies to machines as well!
A massive volcano in Siberia killed 90% of all life, and halogen chemicals spewed by it played a major role.
Music activates a specific brain region that suppresses the sense of fatigue.
An unlikely hero might save coral from lionfish.
On any given day, large areas of the globe are covered in fire.
One of the last Arctic ice bastions is far less resilient than we thought.
The risks simply outweigh any benefits. To be on the safe side, it's best to abstain from alcohol.
Researchers recommend people quit both smoking and vaping.
A pole reversal could fry our electronics.
The old adage seems to be backed by science.
The turtle relative is the oldest with a beak.
There are many factors that determine how fast a person's hair grows.
Many iguanas and huge snakes wind up in the wild, where they become invasive species after their owners realize they...
Most would say the Nile but some scientists say that the Amazon is the longest river in the world.
For some species, chilling is the best survival strategy.
The 'recipe' is remarkably similar to the one used by the most skilled ancient Egyptians, at the height of mummification.
Far from a healthy food, coconut oil may actually do harm.
Scientists now call STEVE a 'skyglow'.
There is no cure for the disease but diagnosing and treating it early can mean the world to a patient.
Up to 35 percent of exoplanets bigger than the Earth are water worlds!
From sweet syrup to anti-aging cream, maple seems more versatile than we thought.
One of the deadliest cancers may have found its match.
Low-carb diets endorsed by any celebrities might cause you to die earlier.
Amber is an amazing time capsule.
The moon is Earth's only permanent natural satellite, but it may be in the company of tiny asteroids trapped in...
Although the insecticide was banned decades ago, it still persists in the environment.
There are a lot of myths that have convinced people to resist vaccination -- don't be fooled.
Incredibly, this one lived in the desert, which is unheard of for a pterosaur.
A unique experiment challenges all of us to fight for a sustainable future.
A weak handshake may be a sign of unhealthy outcomes in the future, according to a new study.
Be careful with your screen time. 'Night mode' is definitely a must.
A modern-day Icarus will soar for the sun tomorrow.
One of the studies focused on the steamier side of messaging: "sexting".
What is being seen is that the universe is expanding faster nearby than we would expect based on more distant...
High-speed internet makes electronic devices more interesting... and we seem to be losing track of our bed time.
But that doesn't mean their fertility is necessarily affected.
The most sophisticated fridge in space is already delivering fantastic results.
They say you are what you eat -- and this goes for mental health, as well.
Scientists are saving America's iconic prairies from mice by coating seeds with hot peppers.
It's older than Earth itself!
New research solves a 160-year-old mystery about the origin of the vertebrate skeleton.
Having willpower makes you less susceptible to visceral states.
Humans a bringing about cancer to a staggering amount of wild species.
When test subjects attempted to switch off the robot, it quickly quipped that it's afraid of the dark, pleading "No!...