Gas released by human body could indicate a movie’s age rating
A movie theater's air is literally packed with the audience's tension -- and we can use that to measure a...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
A movie theater's air is literally packed with the audience's tension -- and we can use that to measure a...
There's such a thing as cannabis withdrawal syndrome, and it's symptoms have been associated with a variety of psychiatric disorders.
A massive breakthrough in astrophysics might enable us to finally determine the rate at which the universe expands.
Although this mammalian forerunner still reproduced like a reptile, the fossils shed much light on our own evolution.
It's the first to show that humans are eating plastic.
It's also as crush-resistant as natural wood.
In the future, growing old may not necessarily mean you'll have bad hearing.
Pull the drapes and enjoy free home sanitation, courtesy of the sun.
Encouraging 'geeky girls' to pursue a STEM degree could help bridge the gender gap.
A clonal colony of Aspen stretching over 100 acres is being threatened -- and it's all on us again.
The VR experience made participants more likely to sign a petition for affordable housing.
Did you know about a connection between music and Einstein's theory of relativity?
The debate is far from over, though.
We're not sure yet if a father's experience can affect the health of offspring.
A fungal infection has devastated up to 70% of coffee production in some regions.
It's like the soundscape for a bad horror movie.
A bizarre stellar 'toddler' is leaving scientists scratching their heads.
Saving biodiversity makes more sense than waiting millions of years for it to re-evolve.
Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, eased depression symptoms in mice.
We need urgent climate action in order to avoid catastrophic ecosystem collapse.
These pose "a serious public health risk." Most are sexual enhancement, weight loss, and bodybuilding supplements.
The unprecedented scale of imaging can record even the slightest changes in the behavior of light.
Ancient sponges were among the first animals that scientists have been able to identify.
The late physicist's very last paper offers new insight into the black hole information paradox.
The incident adds more strain to already tense relations between the US and Russian space programs.
The airborne mammals split from their tree clinging cousins much earlier than thought.
A Congress-mandated committee recommends that finding alien life becomes a priority for most NASA missions.
Who took the lights out?
A beautiful solar array shaped like a canopy might provide 2,220 MWh of clean energy annually to Melbourne residents.
Almost 2,000 years later, scientists are still piecing together the horrific jigsaw puzzle of the Vesuvius eruption.
The chain of seamounts is brimming with underwater life.
A mushroom grower may have found a way to save the bees from Colony Collapse Disorder.
We all know smoking is bad for our health but not a lot of people are aware of the hidden...
The is responsible for many overdose-induced comas. Now, research suggests tripping on the drug 'fries' the brain.
It's incredible what just a couple of minutes of exercising can do for the mind.
In Ethiopia's grasslands, huge herds of gelada monkeys might be in the process of domesticating wolves.
More reasons to sleep!
These canine white walkers got their famous blue eyes thanks to a genetic duplication.
Ancient interbreeding primed modern humans for an encounter with new viruses.
The huge lander is supposed to ferry humans between an orbiting space station and the lunar surface.
A simple and effective way to relieve psychological stress.
No more heavy lifting.
Faced with the hot and dry savannah, the African elephant evolved a creative solution.
Phosphates forged in space made their way to Earth on comets and asteroid.
They used CRISPR gene editing to take a shortcut around traditional plant domestication that can take up to thousands of...
The paint can cool buildings by as much as 6°C compared to the surroundings.
The map extends over thousands of square miles.
PCBs have been banned almost two decades ago but their effects are still widely felt by the iconic orcas.
Trauma can be severe for some people that they literally wish themselves dead.
You can see how the sun moves across the asteroid's horizon.