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The perverse link between ADHD and addiction

The neurological disorder often begets another disease: addiction.

Star Trek-inspired device 3D-prints objects with rays of light

Unlike other printers, the device makes objects in one piece.

Are 'smart drugs' all they claim to be?

A pill that makes you smarter? Not so fast...

Colorful layered cocktail inspires new male contraceptive

You wouldn't want to drink this one though.

What causes the seasons?

It's all in the tilt.

'Lizard king', an early dinosaur ancestor, ruled over lush Antarctica more than 250 million years ago

The newly discovered archosaur provides new hints into dinosaur evolution.

EU wants to ban some microplastic production responsible for 400,000 tonnes of pollution in 20 years

The ban doesn't solve the bulk of microplastics entering EU waters.

How climate change leads to more frequent thunderstorms

Scientists have put a number between climate change and storm frequency for the first time.

A single cruise ship can emit as much particulate matter pollution as a million cars

That luxurious cruise comes at a cost to your health and that of others.

Scientists identify genes that might make you a morning person (or night owl)

New insights into the internal body clock that governs our sleep-wake patterns.

LSD may cause mind-blowing trips by messing with the brain's sensory filter

LSD = sensory overload.

Retreating ice is exposing Arctic moss and plants for the first time in 120,000 years

Climate change is exposing plant life that's been preserved by the ice cap for thousands of years.

Poor sleep makes people more sensitive to pain

More and more people around the world aren't getting enough sleep -- and that's just painful.

Ancient Triassic reptile looked like a platypus

Nature is full of surprises.

People make value judgements based on gossip -- even when its explicitly labeled as untrustworthy

'Soft' fake news is just as bad as blatant lies.

Autism may actually extend across three spectrums, not just one

As if the disorder wasn't complicated enough.

Scientists may have finally found out what causes Alzheimer's -- and it might actually be those bleeding gums

Gum disease toxins enter the brain where they may cause Alzheimer's, according to new research.

Mars-sized planetary impact may have seeded ingredients for life on Earth

New insights into how life appeared on Earth -- but also possibly on other planets.

Scientists recreate 'Freak Wave' in the lab -- and it looks like art

It looks eerly similar to Hokusai's 'Great Wave' print from the XIXth century.

Targeted cognitive training improves symptoms in patients with severe schizophrenia

"Our results suggest that chronically ill, highly disabled patients can benefit from TCT," said the authors. "That contradicts current assumptions."

Scientists find hidden blood vessels inside bone

The findings might lead to new treatments for bone inflammation and tissue injuries.

Why are there mammals that lay eggs?

Nature always finds a way.

Scientists come up with most accurate age of Saturn's rings yet

If dinosaurs had telescopes, they might have seen a lonely Saturn, without rings.

The magnetic North Pole has shifted, but we can't update it because of the US government shutdown

When politics try to mess with your compass.

US Navy wants to change naval warfare with unmanned robot ships

Many such drone ships would act as long-range sensors and even carry weapons.

Averting catastrophic climate change might be possible -- but only if we phase out fossil fuels immediately

Possible? Yes. Is it realistic? Not really. Should we try anyway? Hell yes!

CERN draws up plans for new particle accelerator four times bigger than the LHC

Deep physics might have a new toy. Full operation expected for 2050.

China and India on track for world's largest economies by 2030. US could lose first place as soon as next year

The United States will likely never be able to catch up with China.

China grows the first plants on the far side of the moon

The cotton sprouts, unfortunately, perished after a couple of days.

Smart windows allow or block heat-generating wavelengths of light based on temperature

Bye, bye curtains!

Antarctica is losing six times more ice than 40 years ago

There's enough ice in Antarctica to raise sea levels by 60 meters -- and it's now on a slippery slope.

Romeo, once the loneliest the frog in the world, finds a mate!

A modern amphibian love story with a happy ending.

Study: People most opposed to GMOs think they're very knowledgeable -- in fact, it's the opposite

The findings are consistent with the psychology of extremism.

Scientists learn how horrible face cancer spreads among Tasmanian devils

The research could be a game-changer in the fight to save the devils.

Just a little bit of cannabis is enough to change the teen brain

Just one joint smoked before age 14 could increase gray matter volume in the brain.

UK scientists worried over 'no-deal' Brexit

Anxiety is looming over British researchers at the Brexit deadline draws closer with no deal in sight.

Why scientists want to engineer spicy tomatoes

I mean, who wouldn't want to try a hot tomato?

Zapping the brain with mild electrical current controls anger and aggression

The non-aggressive procedure went deep into the neural circuits of aggression.

Some of our ancestors walked on two legs millions of years before Homo sapiens evolved

The sexy human gait was around for some time before our species made its appearance.

The rogue Chinese scientist who made the first gene-edited human babies could face death penalty

He Jiankui is currently confined to his home and under armed guard.

Negative mood may trigger inflammation in the body

Which comes with its own problems.

Photosynthesis genetic shortcut makes crops 40% more productive

This could be a game changer in the face of rising food demand.

Holocaust survivors are sicker but live much longer than Israelis who weren't persecuted

Perhaps we can learn to live longer without having to go through such terrible experiences.

Anonymous drug testing at festivals can save lives. Study finds 1 in 5 drugs were not as sold

A different strategy for tackling drug fatalities at festivals.

The Sahara swings between 'lush' and 'desert' every 20,000 years, in sync with the Earth's tilt

It will be another 10,000 years before the Sahara ought to turn into a savannah.

New Horizons beams back clear image of farthest object ever visited in the solar system

Brian May from Queen also wrote a song about it.

Is CBD oil safe for pregnant women?

CBD research is woefully lacking.

A third of Americans sleep less than six hours a night

It's a growing trend that confirms Americans are getting very stressed.

Exercise is as good as medicine for lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension

For some patients, even low-intensity exercise could get them off meds.

Germany shuts down its last black coal mine, ending almost 200 years of history

But coal isn't done yet in Germany. Quite far from it...

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