Mayo experiment helps physicists solve nuclear fusion instability
Mayo might one-day help recreate the power of the sun here on Earth.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Mayo might one-day help recreate the power of the sun here on Earth.
Don't panic -- this is just a drill.
The test is part of the country's plan to decarbonize the transportation sector.
Eating lots of sugar makes us fat. It also deadens sweet buds, fueling a vicious cycle.
The researchers drilled coral cores in order to extend the climate record of El Ninos.
Critics, however, argue that this effort is flawed from the beginning.
Some drugs designed to treat certain conditions can accidentally work for other diseases.
Proteins recovered from a newly identified Denisovan molar reveals new details about the lives of an extinct species of human.
Marijuana might counter-intuitively actually motivate people to exercise more.
During a blood moon, a brief flash of light caught astronomers' attention.
To box jellyfish carries enough venom to kill 60 people. Until now, there was no way to neutralize its deadly...
There's no evidence that biodegradable have any environmental advantage over conventional plastic bags.
Finally, a theory that explains how the moon formed that isn't too over the top.
The story of how humans first got to the Americas just got a lot more complicated.
The differences are tiny but they can add up in time to change global behavior.
Which means we might need new physics to explain the observation.
Auroras are dazzling to behold, but also a nuisance for the aerospace industry.
The blast might help scientists answer fundamental questions about the solar system's formation.
The redwood has the 2nd largest genome in the world.
This was one very eccentric individual.
The model could solve mysteries about DNA and lead to novel medicines.
People who don't know how to protect their privacy experience underlying stress when they're online.
The device sends a mild electric shock to the patient's brain that quiets the mind.
You don't necessarily have to break a sweat to reap the benefits of exercising.
Breakfast may really be the most important meal of the day.
When one sense fails, the others take over.
Trauma can change our voice and now computers can identify it.
A rare genetic disorder that deactivates the immune system of baby boys may have been cured.
A natural skyline at the flick of a switch.
Spoiler: It wasn't Edison.
The breakthrough validates our current models of how the universe works.
It seems like women have a better poker face than men.
The powerful CRISPR is set to revolutionize medicine.
It all depends on the facial expression, which beards seem to amplify.
That looks like a lot of fun!
Over $350mil in funding and an intricate digital reconstruction means Notre Dame could be hastly restored.
The huge aircraft is designed to send rockets to a high enough altitude from where they can then power themselves...
In Westeros, there are only two substances capable of killing White Walkers: Valyrian steel and Dragonglass.
Let's just say that famous Habsburg jaw isn't ruled out.
Nicotine cravings are hard to resist, but inhaling certain smells might help reduce the temptation to light up.
But that doesn't mean these people do not have supernatural beliefs.
Ketamine works its magic in a two-step process that first starts with the repair of brain circuits damaged by depression.
E-cigarettes are much less harmful than smoking tobacco. But that doesn't make them harmless.
The stimulation syncs brain regions in order to prevent memory disintegration.
This would make the 5th lineage that lived alongside modern humans.
Red meat is particularly bad for our health, research suggests.
A historic moment in science that pushes the limits of human knowledge.
We're at the peak of allergy season.