NASA gears up to test its first all-electric aircraft
The ultimate goal is to create a zero-emissions aviation industry.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
The ultimate goal is to create a zero-emissions aviation industry.
Even in death, genes and burial customs have many stories to speak.
Long before T. rex entered the picture, this agile predator dominated Southeast Asia's floodplains.
The sudden stratospheric warming will cause Australia to experience less rainfall and higher temperatures.
The repeated blows to the head involved in tackle football may put many players at a huge risk of developing...
Dogs not only fill homes with joy, they also help humans live healthier lives.
Water bears are cool but have you heared about mold pigs?
The findings suggest that vaping might cause lung cancer.
A scientist who likes rock climbing in their spare time will feel more confident at work.
Drones could someday replenish the world's lost coastal forests.
New compelling evidence suggests that chimps, bonobos, and orangutans also have a 'theory of mind.'
Taking shortcuts in education has never been easier in today's machine-powered age.
We're all walking around with an invisible gun constantly pointed at the back of our heads.
The study shows that psilocybin can be produced in a sustainable manner.
China is taking the lead in the race to develop the fastest bullet trains in the world. Starting with 2020,...
When we develop in the womb, we temporarily grow muscles that have last been seen in our ancestors 250 million...
Nearly 170 million people have been affected by data breaches that involved hospital records in the past decade.
Is your cat securely attached to you?
The eNose can inform doctors whether or not immunotherapy is the right course of action.
The animals regularly sharpen the edge of their teeth like you would with a knife.
Excessive drinking costs Americans over $250 billion a year in medical and legal costs -- and alcohol tax covers only...
It captures as much carbon as 400 trees.
In the future, a drug that mimics this genetic effect could finally cure the common cold.
Being hungry can lead to poor decisions in all walks of life from finance to your love life.
The space agency did a fantastic job documenting the launch of the Dragon Crew capsule and the InSight lander.
Is that ice cream?
The findings could lead to novel therapies for emotional health.
Plastic deposits in the soil have increased exponentially sine WWII, doubling every 15 years.
The algorithm took inspiration from Ender's Game.
It's that time of the year when we celebrate research that "first make people laugh, and then make them think."
Hiring a coach to help you exercise can improve mood more than being on your own.
Molten rock shooting for the moon, huge tsunamis hundreds of feet tall, and global wildfires were triggered immediately after the...
This big boy just got the munchies.
This is one cool example of renewable energy.
A perfect example of a sexual arms race in the animal kingdom.
Everyday, dozens of people die in the United States because they can't get an organ transplant -- this new procedure...
Researchers have shown that cement can work in space. Next-up: concrete.
A remarkable technology that enables the blind to use navigation apps with ease.
But this kind of language also poses risks.
The brain seems to treat how it listens and recalls music in opposite directions.
The balance between the storage and removal of lipids in fat cells is disrupted as we grow older.
The breakthrough could enable Tesla to launch a mega fleet of autonomous 'robo taxis'.
What's shocking is that even when he had a 'bad' idea, Einstein was still brilliant!
The findings are exciting -- but they also raise important ethical questions. Could someday lab-grown brains become conscious?
Even in ancient times, humans were powerful enough to cause slight anomalies in the climate.
In the future, chemical might become redundant at controlling cockroaches.
The controversial herbicide is thought to cause cancer and disrupt insect populations.
The massive decrease in the cost of solar energy doesn't show any sign of stopping.
Speaking openly about your goals to a person whom you hold in high esteem can actually help you achieve them.
Solving our current climate emergency requires immediate action in order to reduce the amount of carbon already dumped into the...