Curiosity rover stumbles upon mystery of oxygen on Mars
Oxygen is rising and falling with the seasons unpredictably.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Oxygen is rising and falling with the seasons unpredictably.
Concussions have been linked to severe and irreversible brain damage. Children, whose brains are still developing, may be particularly vulnerable...
This is the earliest known physical evidence of insect pollination.
In today's digital age, not having internet access can encroach on a person's freedome of speech and other basic human...
Unsinkable ships could become a reality with such technology.
Back and forth transmission of disease between humans and Neanderthals may have kept the two species in check -- but...
The wine is part of an experiment on aging that could improve food storage in the future.
A survey of more than 24,000 Canadians found that for those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), medicating with cannabis...
Urban homes are artificial environments that foster fungi development.
Curiosity is the only rover left on Mars -- and this haunting photo it recently beamed to Earth perfectly describes...
The research suggests that there is no safe period to consume marijuana during pregnancy.
The differences may be due to the power dynamics between the two genders.
Luckily deep sleep is the best medicine.
The high-tech prosthetic allows amputees to walk with vigor and balance.
This is an entire new level of mind reading.
The daring spacecraft traveled more than 11 billion miles to exit the solar system.
It could be employed to raise the efficiency of solar harvesting devices.
Traces of moss found in the ice tomb suggest that the prehistoric man roamed far and wide during his last...
This could finally bring EVs into the mainstream.
This not just happening only in Germany, but all over the world.
The pill might trigger hormonal changes in developing teens that may make them more prone to depression.
The eyes as windows to the mind.
Vitamin D might mediate the link between sunlight and healthy bacterial diversity in the gut.
Meal sizes were between 29% and 48% larger compared to when eating alone.
Credit: Pixabay. Some thunderstorms are so intense that the vivid lightning and crashes of thunder may keep you up at...
Protected areas support the climate and wildlife -- it is our responsability to look after them properly.
A new study traced back our ancestral homeland to the south of the Zambezi river, just north of Botswana.
The worst kind of fog there is.
Mammals quickly grew in size after the dinosaur linage collapsed, an exciting new study shows.
A neural network interprets the thoughts of paralyzed patients who image using a pen to form letters and words.
You like gold? That too may have been forged by the catacylsmic merger of neutron stars millions of years ago.
This is the first study that investigated how rearranging a menu can influence meat-free meals.
Crustaceans are just as good as some mammals at spatial learning.
The bad news may signal a deadly change in U.S. environmental health.
Google claims that its quantum processor solved a problem in 200 seconds, whereas a normal machine would have taken 10,000...
A new hybrid material could radically improve aircraft performance.
The aye-aye is the craziest primate out there -- and it just got a lot more interesting.
Bacteria that cause ulcers and gastric cancer are becoming increasingly resistant to our antibiotics.
When sexual selection favors the loud.
The embryos successfully grew fetal structures in female mice uteruses.
Hurricanes + earthquakes? Scientists have described a new geophysical phenomenon.
Our memory doesn't work like a camera. But even though there's no such thing as photographic memory there are some...
Grumbling about the youth is as old as time itself. But it turns out this effect is trait-specific and mediated...
One of the most feared fish in the world has to replace its dull teeth by simultaneously swaping old teeth...
Some people's moods are more resilient to sleep deprivation thanks to the way white matter is arranged in the brain.
The epic battlefield is littered with evidence of social organization at a grand scale.
Male finches continuously fight for their partner's attention -- and it seems like it's in both their interests to do...
The findings come on a backdrop of growing marijuana legalization in the U.S.
Non-entitlement may be the crux of humbleness.
Propeller-shaped molecules trap CO2, which can then be used to manufacture useful organic materials.