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Coldest chemical reaction reveals intermediate molecules in slow motion

Scientists have used a complex setup that allowed them to image intermediate chemical compounds that typically last only a thousandth a billionth of a second.

Neuromorphic chip mimics biological neurons to prevent heart failure

Bionic chips could one day offer a novel therapy for sleep apnoea and heart failure.

Eye-tracking technology reveals what makes female breasts attractive

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which is why researchers turned to eye-tracking technology to perfect their work in plastic surgery.

What pick-up line should a woman use on men? Your best bet is being direct

Being direct in your intentions as a woman seems to be the most effective tactic to pique a man's interest. In some cases, though, it makes sense to use a more flippant line.

Hunting for exoplanets: past and future

The last decade of space exploration has exceeded even our wildest expectations. And this is only the beginning.

Samsung may be on the brink of self-emissive QLEDs

The QLED TV sets you see on Amazon aren't actually the real deal. This is what genuine quantum dot-based displays might look like.

There are over 700 quintillion planets in the universe -- but there's no place like home

The number of planets in the universe is extremely mind-boggling.

The United States' opioid crisis cost $2.5 trillion over four years

A White House report calculated the staggering cost of the opioid misuse crisis.

Smallest 3D stop-animation yet pays tribute to David Bowie

A new film pushes the boundaries of stop motion cinematography by employing 3D figurines the size of a grain of dust.

'Coal knew' -- investigation shows that the coal industry knew about climate change since 1966

Like Exxon, the coal industry knew that its product would cause climate change and has tried its best to hide this fact.

Why the first cigarette feels disgusting -- and how this could help smokers quit

Nicotine trigers both aversion and pleasure in the brain. By targetting neurons responsible for aversion to nicotine, it could be possible to design very effective smoking cessation drugs.

Snakes had hind legs for 70 million years

A biblical-like ancient snake is revealing new insights into snake evolution.

When in trouble, just surf -- that's what honeybees do

This was the first time such a behavior was observed in insects and may represent a unique adaptation to bees.

Physicists perform the most detailed simulation of the Universe yet

This immense simulation is so complex that scientists have observed phenomena that had not been programmed explicitly in the code.

How do birds flock together?

Birds of a feather flock together... but how do they decide where to go and who to follow?

Scientists reverse Down's syndrome intellectual deficiencies in mice

The researchers caution that this doesn't mean that they can reverse Down's syndrome in humans.

Near east neolithic people fashioned jewelry out of human teeth

The teeth were in perfect health when they were drilled for ornamentation purposes more than 8,000 years ago.

White noise makes hearing things easier

The new insight could lead to better cochlear implants.

Eradicating poverty requires surprisingly little energy

Pulling billions out of poverty and stabilizing climate change aren't necessarily at odds.

Astronauts' blood can flow in reverse and even stagnate

The findings could have important implications for deep space missions.

Most anti-vaccine ads you see on Facebook are paid by just two organizations

Facebook's recent policy changes makes it harder for legitimate pro-vaccine sources to publish ads while anti-vaccine groups bend the rules.

Scientists design holograms you can see, hear and feel

It really feels like a genuine object.

Giant extinct primate is directly related to orangutans

It is the first time genetic material this old has been retrieved from a fossil in a subtropical area.

Diet lacking in fruit and vegetables linked to depression

The findings strengthen the idea of a mind-body connection.

The Arctic's oldest and thickest ice is disappearing fast

The last bastion of ice in the Arctic is not that stable after all.

Curiosity rover stumbles upon mystery of oxygen on Mars

Oxygen is rising and falling with the seasons unpredictably.

What's a safe age for kids to start playing contact sports? Scientists still don't know

Concussions have been linked to severe and irreversible brain damage. Children, whose brains are still developing, may be particularly vulnerable to such injuries when playing contact sports like tackle football or lacrosse.

Beetle trapped in amber pushes back insect pollination by 50 million years

This is the earliest known physical evidence of insect pollination.

Internet access should be a basic human right, study says

In today's digital age, not having internet access can encroach on a person's freedome of speech and other basic human rights.

Scientists design spider- and ant-inspired metal structure that doesn't sink

Unsinkable ships could become a reality with such technology.

Neanderthal demise may have been due to human-borne diseases

Back and forth transmission of disease between humans and Neanderthals may have kept the two species in check -- but only for a while.

Bordeaux wine launched to the International Space Station... for science

The wine is part of an experiment on aging that could improve food storage in the future.

Cannabis reduces depression and suicidal thoughts in PTSD patients

A survey of more than 24,000 Canadians found that for those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), medicating with cannabis reduced the likelihood of experiencing severe depression and suicidal thoughts. As of 2018, cannabis is legal both recreationally and medically in Canada. This has made the drug more readily available to the general population, but […]

Sanitizing homes gets rids of bacteria but makes room for fungi

Urban homes are artificial environments that foster fungi development.

Curiosity snaps lonely picture of desolate Martian landscape

Curiosity is the only rover left on Mars -- and this haunting photo it recently beamed to Earth perfectly describes the feeling.

THC and CBD during early pregnancy might cause alcohol-like fetal defects

The research suggests that there is no safe period to consume marijuana during pregnancy.

Men are more likely than women to use more abstract language

The differences may be due to the power dynamics between the two genders.

A sleepless night can trigger a 30% rise in anxiety

Luckily deep sleep is the best medicine.

Retired truck driver can walk on two legs again thanks to Terminator-like bionic leg

The high-tech prosthetic allows amputees to walk with vigor and balance.

AI scans your brain and draws what you see

This is an entire new level of mind reading.

Voyager 2 spacecraft crosses barrier into interstellar space

The daring spacecraft traveled more than 11 billion miles to exit the solar system.

Sunflower-like material follows beam of light

It could be employed to raise the efficiency of solar harvesting devices.

Ötzi the Iceman's fatal last journey reconstructed from ancient flora

Traces of moss found in the ice tomb suggest that the prehistoric man roamed far and wide during his last days on Earth.

New Li-ion battery design can charge electric cars to 80% in less than 10 minutes

This could finally bring EVs into the mainstream.

Insects in Germany have declined by up to two-thirds in ten years

This not just happening only in Germany, but all over the world.

Teen girls on birth-control pills show more symptoms of depression

The pill might trigger hormonal changes in developing teens that may make them more prone to depression.

Just thinking about an object's brightness is enough to change pupil size

The eyes as windows to the mind.

Sunlight might affect gut microbiome diversity

Vitamin D might mediate the link between sunlight and healthy bacterial diversity in the gut.

We eat more with friends and family than when we're alone -- here's why

Meal sizes were between 29% and 48% larger compared to when eating alone.

Scientists have found a record-breaking 500-km-long mega lightning bolt

Some thunderstorms are so intense that the vivid lightning and crashes of thunder may keep you up at night. Here’s a thought that will surely keep you awake during such restless storms: some lightning bolts are so large they can extend across multiple states. According to scientists who analyzed satellite imagery, one such lighting bolt […]

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