Scientists engineer squid-like transparent human cells
Sorry -- no invisible humans any time soon, but the applications can be intriguing.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Sorry -- no invisible humans any time soon, but the applications can be intriguing.
There a four coronaviruses known to cause common colds, but can they offer any immunity against SARS-CoV-2?
Just 3% of the world's population has antibodies for COVID-19 -- woefully short of at least 60% required for herd...
Sweeping the dirt under the rug won't cut it anymore. Here's what research says about what works and what doesn't...
The salty future of energy storage might be upon us.
"Don't worry, hooman. Fluffy come rescue."
It's the first maned launched from US soil since the space shuttle was retired nine years ago.
Researchers assessed the factors that were most associated with COVID-19 mortality in more than 20,000 hospitalized patients.
ADHD is more complex than the stereotype of loud, insubordinate, and restless children.
Studies suggest that the coronavirus stops being infectious around 11 days after the onset of symptoms, even though PCR tests...
The findings could boost interventions meant to maintain a normal body weight and promote healthy well-being.
At least 50 billion years worth of unique evolutionary history is at risk, a new study found.
Space junk is a classic example of the Tragedy of the Commons -- now it's time to take responsability and...
A recent poll suggests that many Americans wouldn't want to return to restaurants and gyms even though they might be...
There is limited evidence that beards make men more attractive. Instead, it's likelier that beards signal dominance to other men.
Humidity from the breath of museum goers have gradually degraded the colors of the famous painting.
The observations further our understanding of how extrasolar planets come into existence.
To make cities clearner, urban planers need to make walking and cycling more accessible. Two-wheelers just offer a delay in...
The new rubber material is a 'latent adhesive' that doesn't become sticky unless you add a catalyst.
Navajo Nation was already dealing with an under-funded healthcare system even before the pandemic.
The often cited "2 meter" (6 feet) physical distancing recommendation may be insufficient in some scenarios.
Dibakar Bhattacharyya is creating a face mask that could deactivate COVID-19. Credit: Chad Rumford, Research Communications After some contradictory information...
Frozen Martian mud has been mistaken for lava flows.
Researchers analyzed the wing shapes of more than 10,000 species of birds.
The scientists exploited a phenomenon commonly known as "seeing stars".
Girls tend to have better language abilities on average than boys, yet they might feel intimidated by stereotypes surrounding computer...
It's the strongest evidence yet that Earth's inner core is rotating.
It would take a year to clear the backlog of postponed and canceled surgeries due to COVID-19.
Humans could have generally outrun T. rex.
The famous longbow was even more formidable than meets the eye.
Pockets of salty water can appear on the surface of Mars more often and across more of the planet than...
School shutting has moved learning to online almost overnight, but what will happen post-pandemic?
Nanoparticles containing metal ions and polymers can keep surfaces coronavirus-free for up to months.
Vaccine development should never be hurried. What's more, there's a chance we might never have an efficient vaccine for the...
No real stars were hurt...
New guidelines offer a list of things schools need to consider before reopening to students.
Organ transplants dropped by 50% in the U.S. and by a staggering 91% in France.
The frequency of the radiation is too low to penetrate the human skin but still enough to destroy virsues within...
Can we afford to ignore science any longer?
The search for the gene that enables some bees to give birth without having sex took more than 30 years.
Practicing yoga in conjuction to prescription medication reduces both the frequency of headaches and pill usage for managing migraines.
How can dating work during a lockdown? People get creative.
Half of the low-income respondents said they feared they would lose their jobs, compared to less than 20% of higher-income...
Seriously, it's one of the stupidest ways to waste taxpayers' money.
The stars in the same triple system as the black hole are so close they can be seen with the...
Aromatic oils that give cannabis its signature taste and smell might have a role to play in fighting the coronavirus.
Healthcare analytics could become an indispensable weapon in scientists' warchest against pandemics in the future.
In fact, some hypertension medication might actually improve outcomes in COVID-19 patients.
The hardest hit regions are in Asia and Africa.