Scientists synthesize antibiotics to conquer resistant microbes
A synthetic approach for remodifying existing antibiotics could give us the upper hand against resistant bacteria.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
A synthetic approach for remodifying existing antibiotics could give us the upper hand against resistant bacteria.
These early hunter-gatherers also walked alongside ancient elephants and camels.
Previously, scientists thought that as many as 1 in 2 cases of COVID-19 were asymptomatic.
Face-processing algorithms show that displays of trustworthiness increased in line with economic development.
The bandage can stick to a fracture like a plaster, accelerating natural healing.
Our cells look younger than those of chimps due to chemical changes to our genome when we branched away from...
The tree’s leaves contain a previously unidentified neurotoxin that latches on to fundamental mammalian pain receptors.
Vikings weren’t a group of barrel-chested, blond-haired, bearded men. Instead, they comprised many ethnicities and groups of people with different...
The technique could improve livestock resilience against disease and enhance food production in an increasingly demanding world.
Micro-droplets of water under the lens snap first prize for science video competition.
When time-sensitive neurons get 'tired', our perception of time tends to get skewed.
A dog's cold nose aids in the heat detection of prey.
Internet access has become a basic human right.
A typical cumulus cloud weighs as much as 100 elephants.
These beefy amphibians are so strong, they can hurl 2 kg rocks to build their own ponds.
Energy from matter was always easy, but the reverse has been difficult to achieve -- until now.
The key to Neptune's blue marble apperance lies in its methane-rich atmosphere.
Vibrating liquids at certain frequencies can cause objects to exhibit anti-gravity effects.
Researchers used 'light cones' to draw boundaries and make AIs more human-like in predicting events in the future.
Researchers have programmed keratin sheets to always fold back to their designed shape -- not matter how complex.
Using nature, scientists have been able to create molecules that are normally extremely expensive if not impossible to chemically synthesize...
An oxidised form of iron was surprisingly common the moon, which may reveal insights about Earth's atmospheric history.
Just 5% of road traffic consisting of autonomous vehicles could reduce traffic congestion by 40%.
Every time you wash a pair of denim jeans, more than 50,000 microfibers are released per cycle.
Researchers had to process the images to make this impressive dust devil really stand out.
Aerosols and other tiny particles that may contain the virus can travel around face shields or through the valve of...
In one case, a man was buried alongside a thigh bone that was carved into a flute.
The New Guinea singing dog and the Highland Wild Dog still active in the wild may represent the same unique...
But they would be impossible to create with today's technology.
Lystrosaurus may be the oldest hibernating vertebrate in the fossil record.
Digital payments already outnumber cash transactions.
Bad news for more than a third of Americans and Brits.
This nuanced 'cheat sheet' shows when and where the risk of coronavirus transmission is greatest or lowest.
Just a tiny dose of LSD significantly improved tolerance to painful stimuli and reduced subjective experience of pain.
Waking up in someone else's body is no longer the realm of fiction.
Even though they might be exposed to outer space for years, bacteria can still survive on the surface of a...
The formulation is longer-acting than current drugs and is less vulnerable to mutation-related drug resistance.
People dealing with stress and depression as a result of past trauma may experience poorer brain performance.
The ancient products of star explosions have been found in deep sea sediments on Earth.
Mounting evidence suggests that caffeine is associated with negative pregnancy outcomes.
The mysterious rectangular stone structures may have served a ritualistic purpose.
Although the lineages of flies and humans diverged half a billion years ago, we're both tricked by the same optical...
Let's get some things straight about auto-euroticism.
We don't know much more about treating hiccups than centuries ago.
Smartphone accelerometers can record 'drunk gaits'.
The two respiratory illnesses are caused by different viruses, so both symptoms and the period of contagion will vary.
Oils found in catnip makes felines enter a frenzy of delight. No worries, it's non-addictive and harmless.
The findings may lead to new treatments for eye problems in both humans and animals.
Insect and cephalopod vision may have half a billion-year-old roots.